Michael Cormier, Robin Cohen, Richard Mann, Karyn Moffatt, Daniel Vogel, Mengfei Liu, Shangshang Zheng. Validation of an Improved Vision-Based Web Page Parsing Pipeline. ACM Transactions on the Web, Volume 18, Issue 3. Article No.: 36, Pages 1 - 23. Published: 21 August 2024. doi: 10.1145/3580519
Bakker HHC, Alves-Pereira M, Mann R, Summers R, Dickinson P. Infrasound exposure: High resolution measurements near wind power plants. In: Suhanek M, Kevin Summers J, editors. Management of Noise Pollution. London: IntechOpen; 2023. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.109047
Richard Mann and William Mann (2018). Generation of Infra sound to replicate a wind turbine. (link). Submitted on 2 May 2018
Richard Mann and William Mann (2018). Technical Report CS-2018-01 (PDF). Title. Research Report on Infra Sound. Author. Richard Mann. Date. February 25, 2018; public release: March 2, 2018
John Vanderkooy and Richard Mann (2017). An Open-Source Electroacoustic Measurement System Part 1: Theory, Practicalities & Acoustic Examples. Linear Audio, Volume 13, 1 April 2017. Paper (PDF) M-files & readme for part1
Richard Mann and John Vanderkooy (2017). An Open-Source Electroacoustic Measurement System Part 2: Sound Card Setup, System Characterization and a few more Examples. Linear Audio, Volume 13, 1 April 2017. LinearAudio,net. Paper (PDF) M-files & readme for part 2.
Cormier, R. Cohen, R. Mann and K. Moffatt (2016).
Classification via Hidden Markov Trees for a vision-based approach to
conveying webpages to users with visual impairment. ACM WI (Web
Intelligence) conference 2016; October 2016; 6 pages.
Cormier, K. Moffatt, R. Cohen and R. Mann (2016). Purely
vision-based segmentation of webpages for assistive technology.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal, special issue on
assistive computer vision and robotics; Volume 148, July 2016,
M. Cormier, R. Mann, R. Cohen and K. Moffatt
(2015). Perceptual organization of web pages: a study for
assistive technology. International Conference on Perceptual
Organization; abstract and poster. June 2015.
Vanderkooy and R. Mann. (2015). Measuring Wind Turbine Coherent
Infrasound. Wind Turbine Noise (WTN 2015), INCE/EUROPE, Monday 20th
April to Thursday 23rd April 2015. Glasgow, Scotland. (PDF).
M. Cormier, R. Cohen, R. Mann, K. Rahim and D. Wang (2014). A robust vision-based framework for screen readers; ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision) 2014 workshop on assistive computer vision and robotics; 15 pages; September 2014.
M. Cormier, D. Lizotte, R. Mann. (2014). 3-D Reconstruction from Few Projections: Structural Assumptions for Graceful Degradation. University of Waterloo Technical Report CS-2014-07.
D. Recoskie and R. Mann. (2014) Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Applications to Music Transcription. University of Waterloo Technical Report CS-2014-27.
A. Fourney, R. Mann, and M. Terry. (2011) Query-Feature Graphs: Bridging User Vocabulary and System Functionality. Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST ’11)
A. Fourney, R. Mann, and M. Terry. (2011) Characterizing the Usability of Interactive Applications Through Query Log Analysis. Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ’11).
A. Fourney, R. Mann, and M. Terry. (2010) What Can Internet Search Engines “Suggest” About the Usage and Usability of Popular Desktop Applications?. Adjunct proceedings of the 23rd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST ’10)
A. Fourney, M. Terry, and R. Mann. Gesturing in the Wild: Understanding the Effects and Implications of Gesture-Based Interaction for Dynamic Presentations. 24th British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer Interaction (BCS-HCI ‘10). September, 2010. PDF.
A. Fourney, R. Mann, and M. Terry. Factored HMMs for Bimanual, Context-Dependent Gestures. University of Waterloo Technical Report #CS-2010-09. PDF.
J. Orchard and R. Mann. Registering a Multi-Sensor Ensemble of Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19(5):1236-1247, May 2010. PDF.
A. Fourney and R. Mann. Non-Accidental Features for Gesture Spotting. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV ‘09). pp.116-123. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. May 2009. *Best student paper award* PDF.
J. Ruiz, D. Tausky, A. Bunt, E. Lank, and R. Mann. Analyzing the Kinematics of Bivariate Pointing. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Graphics Interface 2008 (GI '08). Windsor, Ontario, Canada. May 2008. pp. 251-258.
N. Miller and R. Mann. Detecting hand-ball events in video sequences. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV '08). Windsor, Ontario, Canada. May, 2008. pp. 139-146. PDF.
V. Couture, M.S. Langer, A. Caine, R. Mann. Two-frame frequency-based estimation of local motion parallax direction in 3D cluttered scenes. 6th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling. Montreal, Canada. Aug, 2007.
M.S. Langer, V. Chapdelaine-Couture, R. Mann, S. Roy. Motion parallax without motion compensation in 3D cluttered scenes. Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT). June, 2006.
R. Mann and M. Langer, Spectrum analysis of motion parallax in a 3-D cluttered scene and application to egomotion. Journal of the Optical Society of America, Series A 22(9): 1717-1731 (2005). PDF
D. Tausky and R. Mann. Categorization and Learning of Pen Motion using Hidden Markov Models. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV ‘04). London, Ontario, Canada. PDF
Mann and M. Langer, Estimating camera motion through a 3D cluttered
scene. First Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision
(CRV '04). London, Ontario, Canada. May 2004. PDF.
*Best paper award*
M. Langer and R. Mann, Optical snow.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 55(1): 55-71,
2003. PDF.
R. Mann and M. Langer, Optical snow and the Aperture Problem. Proc. Sixteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-02). Quebec, Canada. August, 2002. Abstract. PDF.
R. Mann, A. D. Jepson, and T. El-Maraghi, Trajectory Segmentation Using Dynamic Programming. Proc. Sixteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-02). Quebec, Canada. August, 2002. Abstract. PDF.
R. Mann and A. D. Jepson, Detection and Classification of Motion Boundaries. Proc. Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02). Edmonton, Canada. Auguest 2002. Abstract. PDF.
S. Mann and R. Mann, Quantigraphic Imaging: Estimating the camera response and exposures from differently exposed images. Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-01), Kauai , Hawaii. December 11-13, 2001. Abstract. Postscript.
M. Langer and R. Mann, Dimensional Analysis of Image Motion. Proc. Eighth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV-01), Vancouver, Canada. I:155--162. July 2001. Abstract. Postscript.
A. Jepson and R. Mann, Qualitative Probabilities for Image Interpretation. Proc. Seventh International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV-99). Kerkyra, Greece. II:1123--1130. Sept. 1999. Abstract. Postscript.
R. Mann and A. Jepson, Towards the Computational Perception of Action. Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-98), June 23-25, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 794--799. Abstract. Postscript.
R. Mann, A. Jepson, and J.M. Siskind, Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 65(2), 113--128, 1997. Abstract.
R. Mann, A. Jepson, and J.M. Siskind, The Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics. Proc. 4th European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV-96), Cambridge, April 1996, pp. 528-539. Abstract. Postscript.
R. Mann and A. Jepson, Non-accidental Features in Learning. AAAI Fall Symposium on Machine Learning in Vision, Oct 22-24, 1993, Raleigh, NC. Abstract. Postscript.