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CS466/666: Algorithm Design and Analysis

This is an advanced undergraduate / introductory graduate course on algorithm design for students in computer science, engineering, or mathematics.

Lecture: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00-11:20, MC 4045.
Instructor: Lap Chi Lau
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30-12:30, DC 3120.
Tutors: Pak Hay Chan, Akshay Ramachandran, Kaiyu Wu.
TA office hours: Pay Hay Chan, Thursdays, 2-3, DC 3129.
Akhsay Ramachandran, Fridays, 1-2, DC 3128.
Piazza page:
Course outline: [pdf]

We will study modern techniques in algorithmic design, including probabilistic techniques, linear algebraic techniques, and optimization techniques.

References: Notes will be provided. See my previous notes on Graduate Algorithms to get a good idea of the topics to come. The following is a list of main references. See my previous project page for further references.