CS349 Virtual Machine
We have prepared a Ubuntu VM for this course. We recommend using it for the X assignment in particular. Please test all assignments on the VM (except the Android assignment).
Basic Set-up Steps:
- Download the VirtualBox software (~100MB) for your computer and install it. Course staff will be using version 4.2.6.
- Right click to download our CS349 VirtualBox VM (~1.8GB). To verify that it downloaded correctly you can check the md5sum.
- Start the VirtualBox software from step 1. Select File→Import Appliance... and import the VM downloaded from step 2.
- Find "CS349_Ubuntu" in the list of virtual machines and power it up. The password is cs349w13. Your VM will be on the network, so change the password.
- Check the your VM works by:
- Running the XWindows example in the XLibExamples subdirectory. Using XTerm (search XTerm in the Dash home) change to the XLibExamples directory. The command to compile the XLib example is g++ -o x1_openWindow x1_openWindow.cpp -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 and you can execute the program by typing ./x1_openWindow.
- Running the Java Demo in the JavaExamples subdirectory. Change to that directory and type javac layoutDemo/LayoutDemo.java. Then type java layoutDemo.LayoutDemo.
Creating Your Own VM
If you want to create your own VM for use in the course, you can. I did the following to create this variant:
- Download VirtualBox.
- Download Ubuntu (or some other linux release, but the remainder assumes Ubuntu). I used Ubuntu 12.04.1 (the LTS version) for the course because the Unity desktop worked poorly on some machines in 12.10.
- Install g++ package (just type g++ and it'll tell you what to do).
- Install libx11-dev package (as above, but with libx11-dev as the package).
- Install openjdk (just type javac and pick the latest openjdk variant).