Illustration of the Runge Phenomenon 


Given a set of Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi( data points, interpolation by a polynomial of degree Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi(can be bad when Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi(is large. 


Define a function 

As an example, consider the smooth function  Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi(. 

> Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi(

> `:=`(f, proc (x) options operator, arrow; `/`(1, `*`(`+`(1, `*`(12, `*`(`^`(x, 2)))))) end proc)

proc (x) options operator, arrow; `/`(1, `*`(`+`(1, `*`(12, `*`(`^`(x, 2)))))) end proc (1)

> plot(f, -1 .. 1)


> `:=`(functionPlot, %); -1



Interpolate at 5 equally-spaced points 


> `:=`(npts, 5)

5 (2)

> `:=`(xpts, [seq(`+`(`-`(1), `/`(`*`(`*`(2, `+`(i, `-`(1)))), `*`(`+`(npts, `-`(1))))), i = 1 .. npts)])

[-1, -`/`(1, 2), 0, `/`(1, 2), 1] (3)

> `:=`(xpts, evalf(xpts))

[-1., -.5000000000, 0., .5000000000, 1.] (4)

> `:=`(ypts, map(f, xpts))

[0.7692307692e-1, .2500000000, 1., .2500000000, 0.7692307692e-1] (5)


> `:=`(DataPoints, [seq([xpts[i], ypts[i]], i = 1 .. npts)]); -1

> `:=`(DataPlot, plot(DataPoints, x = -1 .. 1, style = point, symbol = circle, colour = black, symbolsize = 16)); -1
`:=`(DataPlot, plot(DataPoints, x = -1 .. 1, style = point, symbol = circle, colour = black, symbolsize = 16)); -1


> with(CurveFitting); -1

> `:=`(interpPoly, PolynomialInterpolation(xpts, ypts, x))

`+`(`*`(2.769230768, `*`(`^`(x, 4))), `-`(`*`(0.1e-8, `*`(`^`(x, 3)))), `-`(`*`(3.692307691, `*`(`^`(x, 2)))), `*`(0.12e-8, `*`(x)), 1.000000000) (6)

> `:=`(interpPlot, plot(interpPoly, x = -1 .. 1, colour = blue)); -1

> plots:-display(functionPlot, DataPlot, interpPlot)




A cubic spline fit does much better 


> `:=`(SplineFit, Spline(xpts, ypts, x)); -1

> `:=`(SplinePlot, plot(SplineFit, x = -1 .. 1, colour = green)); -1

> plots:-display(functionPlot, DataPlot, SplinePlot)




Interpolate at a larger number of equally-spaced points 


> `:=`(npts, 20)

20 (7)

> `:=`(xpts, [seq(`+`(`-`(1), `/`(`*`(`*`(2, `+`(i, `-`(1)))), `*`(`+`(npts, `-`(1))))), i = 1 .. npts)]); -1

> `:=`(xpts, evalf(xpts)); -1

> `:=`(ypts, map(f, xpts)); -1


> `:=`(DataPoints, [seq([xpts[i], ypts[i]], i = 1 .. npts)]); -1

> `:=`(DataPlot, plot(DataPoints, x = -1 .. 1, style = point, symbol = circle, colour = black, symbolsize = 16)); -1
`:=`(DataPlot, plot(DataPoints, x = -1 .. 1, style = point, symbol = circle, colour = black, symbolsize = 16)); -1


> `:=`(interpPoly, PolynomialInterpolation(xpts, ypts, x)); -1

> `:=`(interpPlot, plot(interpPoly, x = -1 .. 1, colour = blue)); -1

> plots:-display(functionPlot, DataPlot, interpPlot)




A cubic spline fit does much better 


> `:=`(SplineFit, Spline(xpts, ypts, x)); -1

> `:=`(SplinePlot, plot(SplineFit, x = -1 .. 1, colour = green)); -1

> plots:-display(functionPlot, DataPlot, SplinePlot)

