Readings (2024)
Permanently under construction and may be out of date by a few years. I update this list as I go along through the year, so any thing new for this year is not here now.
Most of these readings are available freely if you are on campus, or through the
University Library. If you are not on campus, email me and I can send you a copy. This list is meant as a general repository of papers that you can use to help with your study in the course. You are not required to read all this material, but you may use these links when developing your project and presentations.
Socio-Cultural Theories of Emotion
Survey methodologies
- Grant and Booth 2009 Meeting the review family: exploring review types
and associated information retrieval requirements. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36, pp. 202-222.
- Sutton 2019 A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and
associated methodologies. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 26, pp.91-108
Readings (OLDER LIST)
Core Readings
These will give the key ideas in the course. You don't need to purchase these books. Some are available at the library (links below) or I will provide copies on Slack for the chapters you need to read for the course.
- Joseph Henrich The WEIRDEST people in the world, 2021, Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, NY.
- Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber The Enigma of Reason, 2019, Harvard University Press, MA.
- Francis Fukuyama a href="">Trust, 1995.
- Damasio Descarte's Error G.P. Putnam, New York, 1994 on amazon.
- Edward J. Lawler, Shane R. Thye and Jeongkoo Yoon Social Commitments in a Depersonalized World. Russel Sage Foundation, 2009. on Amazon or Google Books
- David R. Heise Expressive Order: Confirming Sentiments in Social Actions, Springer-Verlag, NY, 2007. Get it at Springer or on amazon
- Daniel Khaneman Thinking, Fast and Slow, Doubleday, 2011. on amazon.
- Rosalind Picard Affective Computing, MIT Press, 1997. Get it at MIT Press or on amazon
- Klaus R. Scherer, Tanja Banziger, Etienne B. Roesch (eds.) Blueprint for Affective Computing, Oxford University Press, 2010. Get it at Oxford University Press or on amazon
Alternate/Supplementary Readings
These provide other materials of interest for the course, but are more marginally interesting.
- Ortony, Clore and Collins The Cognitive Structure of Emotions, Cambridge University Press, 1988. Amazon
- Justine Cassell, Joseph Sullivan, Scott Prevost and Elizabeth Churchill (eds) Embodied Conversational Agents MIT Press, 2000 MIT Press or on amazon.
- Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass The Media Equation, University of Chicago Press, 1996 University of Chicago Press.
- Michael Lewis, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, and Lisa Feldman Barrett (eds.) Handbook of Emotions 3rd edition, 2008, The Guildford Press, London. (A large book on psychological theories of emotion)
- Peter J. Burke (ed.) Contemporary Social Psychological Theories 2006 Stanford University Press. (sociological perspectives, includes the chapter by Robinson on Affect Control Theory)
General papers on emotion
- Kimberly B. Rogers, Tobias Schroeder, and Christian von Scheve Dissecting the sociality of emotion Emotion Review, to appear, 2014
- Johnny R.J. Fontaine, Klaus R. Scherer, Etienne B. Roesch, and Phoebe C. Ellsworth
The World of Emotions is not Two-Dimensional Psychological Science December 2007 18: 1050-1057.
- Wolfgang Scholl The socio-emotional basis of human interaction and communication: How we construct our social world Social Science Information 2013 Vol 52(1): pages3-33
- A. Mehrabian Pleasure-arousal-dominance: A general framework for describing and measuring individual differences in Temperament Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social Winter, 1996, Vol. 14, No. 4, 261-292.
- James A. Russell Core Affect and the Psychological Construction of Emotion Psychological Review, Vol 110 (1), pp145-172, 2003. Also PDF from Jim Russell's website.
- Nick Yee and Jeremy Bailenson. The Proteus Effect: The Effect of Transformed Self-Representation on Behavior Human Communication Research, Volume 33, Number 3, pages 271-290, 2007.
- Herbert A. Simon. Motivational and emotional controls of cognition. Psychological Review, 74:29-39, 1967.
- Lisa Feldman Barrett. Are Emotions Natural Kinds? Perspectives on Psychological Science March 2006 vol. 1 no. 1 28-58.
- Richard J. Davidson Seven sins in the study of emotion: Correctives from affective neuroscience. Brain and Cognition 52 (2003) 129-132
- Appraisal Theories
General Reasoning Systems
Emotions and Rationality
- P. N. Johnson-laird & Keith Oatley (1992): Basic emotions, rationality, and folk theory, Cognition & Emotion, 6:3-4, 201-223
- J.St.B.T. Evans, D.E. Over and K.I. Manktelow Reasoning, decision making and rationality. Cognition, Volume 49, Issues 1-2, October-November 1993, Pages 165-187
Emotions and Morality
- Wilson, Jason R., and Matthias Scheutz. A model of empathy to shape trolley problem moral judgements. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
Kahn Jr., Peter H.; Kanda, Takayuki; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Freier, Nathan G.; Severson, Rachel L.; Gill, Brian T.; Ruckert, Jolina H.; Shen, Solace
''Robovie, you'll have to go into the closet now'': Children's social and moral relationships with a humanoid robot. Developmental Psychology, Vol 48(2), Mar 2012, 303-314.
Emotions and decision making
- Jing Zhu and Paul Thagard Emotion and Action Philosophical Psychology Vol 15 No 1, 2002.
- Fennell JG, Baddeley RJ (2013) Reward Is Assessed in Three Dimensions That Correspond to the Semantic Differential. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55588.
- C. L. Lisetti and P. Gmytrasiewicz (2002). Can a Rational Agent Afford to be Affectless? A Formal Approach. Applied Artificial Intelligence, An International Journal , Vol. 16: 577-609.
- Antos, D., & Pfeffer, A. (2011). Using Emotions to Enhance Decision-Making. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence . Barcelona, Spain.
- other papers by Dimitrios Antos
- Maarten Wubben PhD Thesis
- Maarten J.J. Wubben, David De Cremer, Eric van Dijk, How emotion communication guides reciprocity: Establishing cooperation through disappointment and anger, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 45, Issue 4, July 2009, Pages 987-990, local version
- Maarten J.J. Wubben, David De Cremer, Eric van Dijk The communication of anger and disappointment helps to establish cooperation through indirect reciprocity Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 32, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 489-501 local version
- Jennifer S. Lerner, Ye Li, Piercarlo Valdesolo, and Karim S. Kassam. Emotion and Decision Making. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2015. 66:33.1-33.25
Social Dilemmas
- Nabiha Asghar and Jesse Hoey. Intelligent Affect: Rational Decision Making for Socially Aligned Agents. Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, 2015
- Giota Stratou, Rens Hoegen, Gale Lucas and Jonathan Gratch. Emotional Signaling in a Social Dilemma: An Automatic Analysis, ACII 2015.
- C.M. de Melo, P. Carnevale, and J. Gratch. The expression of anger and happiness in computer agents on negotiations with humans". AAMAS 2011.
- G.A. Van Kleef, C.K. De Dreu and A.S. Manstead. The interpersonal effects of anger and happiness in negotiations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 86 no 1, pp 57, 2004.
- papers by Dimitrios Antos
- Celso De Melo, Stacy Marsella, Jonathan Gratch. People do not feel guilty about exploiting machines ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 23, 2, 2016
Emotion recognition
- Zeng, Z.; Pantic, M.; Roisman, G.I.; Huang, T.S., A Survey of Affect Recognition Methods: Audio, Visual, and Spontaneous Expressions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on , vol.31, no.1, pp.39,58, Jan. 2009
- From multiple signals:
- Hatice Gunes and Maja Pantic Automatic, Dimensional and Continuous Emotion Recognition International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, Volume 1, Issue 1.
- Regan L. Mandryk and M. Stella Atkins A fuzzy physiological approach for continuously modeling emotion during interaction with play technologiesInt. J. Human-Computer Studies 65 (2007) 329-347
- George Caridakis, Lori Malatesta, Loic Kessous, Noam Amir, Amaryllis Raouzaiou, and Kostas Karpouzis. Modeling naturalistic affective states via facial and vocal expressions recognition. In Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Multimodal interfaces (ICMI '06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 146-154 2006.
- Sebastian C. Muller, Thomas Fritz Stuck and Frustrated or In Flow and Happy: Sensing Developers' Emotions and Progress Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 1, Pages 688-699, 2015
- Hector P. Martinez, Yoshua Bengio, and Georgios N. Yannakakis Learning Deep Physiological Models of Affect IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, May 2013
- From body motions:
- Weiyi Wang, Valentin Enescu, and Hichem Sahli. Adaptive Real-Time Emotion Recognition from Body Movements ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst. 5, 4, Article 18 (December 2015)
- Tobias Schroeder, Janine Netzel, Carsten C. Schermuly, and Wolfgang Scholl Culture-Constrained Affective Consistency of Interpersonal Behavior: A Test of Affect Control Theory With Nonverbal Expressions Social Psychology 2013; Vol. 44(1):47-58.
- Andrea Kleinsmith and Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Affective Body Expression Perception and Recognition: A Survey IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Volume 4(1) pp.15-33 Jan-Mar. 2013.
- Michelle Karg, Ali-Akbar Samadani, Rob Gorbet, Kolja Kuehnlenz, Jesse Hoey, and Dana Kulic, Body Movements for Affective Expression: A Survey of Automatic Recognition and Generation IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (to appear, 2013)
- From speech:
- Florian Eyben, Martin Wollmer, Bjorn Schuller. Opensmile: the munich versatile and fast open-source audio feature extractor Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia.
- Bjorn Schuller, Stefan Steidl, Anton Batliner The INTERSPEECH 2009 emotion challenge.. Interspeech 2009.
- Raul Fernandez and Rosalind W. Picard Classical and Novel Discriminant Features for Affect Recognition from Speech. In Interspeech 2005.
- Cowie, R.; Douglas-Cowie, E.; Tsapatsoulis, N.; Votsis, G.; Kollias, S.; Fellenz, W.; Taylor, J.G., Emotion recognition in human-computer interaction Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , vol.18, no.1, pp.32,80, Jan 2001
- Yu Zhou; Yanqing Sun; Jianping Zhang; Yonghong Yan, Speech Emotion Recognition Using Both Spectral and Prosodic Features Information Engineering and Computer Science, 2009. ICIECS 2009. International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, 19-20 Dec. 2009
- From text (sentiment analysis):
- Major Computational Linguistics conferences with work on sentiment (search for the keyword "sentiment" in each program):
- Marco Ortu, Bram Adams, Giuseppe Destefanis, Parastou Tourani, Michele Marchesi and Roberto Tonelli. Are Bullies more Productive? Empirical Study of Affectiveness vs. Issue Fixing Time. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)}
- Nicole Novielli, Fabio Calefato, Filippo Lanubile. The Challenges of Sentiment Detection in the Social Programmer Ecosystem SSE'15, September 1, 2015, Bergamo, Italy.
- Pletea, D., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A. Security and emotion: Sentiment analysis of security discussions on GitHub. 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Challenge Track, MSR, ACM (2014), 348-351.
- Alistair Kennedy and Diana Inkpen. Sentiment classification of movie reviews using contextual valence shifters. Computational Intelligence, 22(2):110-125, 2006.
- Tetsuji Nakagawa, Kentaro Inui, and Sadao Kurohashi. Dependency tree-based sentiment classification using crfs with hidden variables. In Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 786-794. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010.
- Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan. Thumbs up?: sentiment classification using machine learning techniques. In Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing- Volume 10, pages 79-86. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2002.
- Dinakar, K., Reichart, R., AND Lieberman, H. 2011. Modeling the detection of textual cyberbullying, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblog and Social Media (Social Mobile Web Workshop)
- Papers from Google on Sentiment Analysis:
- Wisconsin work on bullying
- Eyes/Faces
- Ciprian Adrian Corneanu, Marc Oliu Simon, Jeffrey F. Cohn and Sergio Escalera Guerrero Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-Related Applications IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Volume: 38, Issue: 8, Aug. 1 2016)
- Evangelos Sariyanidi, Hatice Gunes, and Andrea Cavallaro Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 37, NO. 6, JUNE 2015
- Eye Gaze
- Rana El Kaliouby and Peter Robinson Real-Time Inference of Complex Mental States from Facial Expressions and Head Gestures IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'04) Volume 10, 2004 local copy
- Ying-Li Tian, Takeo Kanade and Jeffrey F. Cohn Recognizing action units for facial expression analysis IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 23, No 2, Feburary 2001.
- Y. Tian, T. Kanade and J. F. Cohn, Facial Expression Analysis, In book Handbook of Face Recognition, Edited by Stan Li and A.K. Jain, Springer-Verlag January, 2004.
Emotion generation
- Isabella Poggi and Catherine Pelachaud. "Performative Facial Expressions in Animated Faces", in Embodied Conversational Agents (See readings)
- Masahiro Mori The Uncanny Valley IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol 19, No 2, June 2012.
- Embodied Conversational Agents book (Justine Cassell and Elizabeth Churchill, eds., MIT Press 2000). I have a copy of this book if you want to get a look.
Tutoring systems
- Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford Mott, and James Lester Modeling Learner Affect with Theoretically Grounded Dynamic Bayesian Networks Proc. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2011.
- Conati C. and Maclaren H. Empirically Building and Evaluating a Probabilistic Model of User Affect User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 19, 267-303
- Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque, Matthieu Courgeon, Jean-Claude Martin, Bilge Mutlu, Rosalind W. Picard MACH: My Automated Conversation coach, in Proc. Ubicomp 2013.
Games and Applications
Health Related Systems
Social Networks:
- Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory and Jeffrey T. Hancock Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks PNAS June 17, 2014 vol. 111 no. 24 8788-8790
- Natalya N. Bazarova, Yoon Hyung Choi, Victoria Schwanda Sosik, Dan Cosley, and Janis Whitlock. 2015. Social Sharing of Emotions on Facebook: Channel Differences, Satisfaction, and Replies. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 154-164.
Other (unclassified)
- Hernandez J., McDuff D., Fletcher R., Picard, R. W., Inside-Out: Reflecting on your Inner State Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2013
- Seo, S., et al. Poor Thing! Would You Feel Sorry for a Simulated Robot? A comparison of empathy toward a physical and simulated robot. In HRI 2015.
- SEMAINE dataset used in the AVEC 2012 challenge
- A. B. Warriner, V. Kuperman, and M. Brysbaert, Norms of valence, arousal, and dominance for 13,915 english lemmas, Behavior research methods, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1191–1207, 2013.
- ANEW dataset email me for access
- Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
- Facial expressions (different age groups)
- Emotional Annotations of Forrest Gump. See also this paper.