Importing Sequences
Exporting an Analysis
Importing Previous Analyses
Generalized Models

A Java applet cannot write a file or read a file on your computer. However, Ethno  provides a procedure for saving and restoring your work. Use it frequently! 

A similar procedure can be used to read in a sequence of events, rather than typing the events one by one while you are using Ethno.

To import a sequence of events for analysis:

After importing a sequence in this way, you may select an event in the Events menu to go to the display for that event. The display will show the event's short name, and its longer description, if one was included. The sequence may be edited by selecting Define Sequence on the Operations menu. The events may be linked by selecting Link Events on the Operations menu.

To export an analysis:

You save Ethno studies by pasting into text files that are created, saved, and recalled with a text processor. Do not use a full-featured word processor for this purpose! Word processors reformat texts in ways that defeat Ethno. Instead use a simple text processor like Notepad on Windows or SimpleText on the Macintosh.

  • Choose Import-Export from the Operations pop-up menu.
  • The display comes up with the text box filled.
  • Click the Select Text buttton to select everything in the text box.
  • Press CTRL-C to copy the selected text to the computer clipboard.
  • Paste the text into an open document in a text processor, and save the file for future use. A simple text processor (like NoteTab in Windows) is best in order to avoid embedded formatting codes for fonts, margins, etc.
  • To import an analysis:

  • Use a text processor to load an Ethno file that you saved previously.
  • Copy the text to the computer clipboard.
  • In Ethno, choose Import-Export from the Operations pop-up menu.
  • Click the Clear Text button to clear the text box on the display.
  • Press CTRL-V to paste the clipboard text into the text box.
  • Click the Restore Study button. If the exported record of the study was transferred back uncorrupted, it will be replaced by a message reporting that he data were imported successfully.
  • After restoring an analysis in this way, all screens look the same as when you exported the analysis.

    Generalized models:

    The first stage of a prerequisite analysis produces a model showing how concrete events are linked one to another (see the Help messages on Linking and Chart for more details). After you have completed such a model, you can add a generalized model showing how the concrete events instantiate more general events (see the Chart help for details).

    A new entry, Export abstract, appears on the Operations menu after you have specified generalized events and linked them. Select this option to export the generalized model alone.

    Sometime later when you are working on a different concrete model, you can add the previously-defined generalized model. Import the generalized model as usual, except click the Append Study button as the last step. You then will be able to instantiate generalized events with the current concrete events, as described in Chart help.
