Datasets You Can Import Into Ethno

Tutorial Example
Assembly Instructions
Virtual House
Social Activism

Four datasets from Ethno are stored in files that you can import into Ethno. The first three datasets are simple, merely illustrative. The fourth is a published social science model.

Do the following to import one of these datasets into the program.

  1. Click on the link to the dataset that you want in order to display the saved data in your internet browser.
  2. In the browser's view menu, choose to see the page source.
  3. Select all of the page source, and copy the text to the clipboard.
  4. Bring up Ethno in your browser, and select Import-Export in the Operations menu.
  5. Click the Clear Text button to clear the text box on the display.
  6. Use keystrokes to paste the clipboard text into the text box.
  7. Click the Restore Study button.

Caesar's Veni, Vidi, Vici

This is the dataset for the analysis discussed in the tutorial.

The Ethno Data for the tutorial model

Assembly Instructions

This dataset consists of eleven actions for installing a unit out of a shipping box. (Pseudo-actions and an unnamed object make these instructions very realistic, in that they don't help you assemble something!)

After importing the dataset, select Chart from the Operations menu. Then select Summarizing from the Functions menu. The program will find two summarizable event sets. One of the sets could be summarized as a single action named "assemble unit."

The Ethno Data for assembling a unit

Walk Through a House

This example uses commutative relations to walk through a house laid out as shown on the right.

After importing the data, select Chart from the Operations menu, then Testing from the Functions menu. Clicking the mouse on the chart takes you from room to room.


The Ethno Data for walking in a house


Environmental Activism

This is an actual social science model developed to interpret events in a small city near Boston, MA. One group of citizens began developing public parks into baseball and soccer fields. In response, other citizens mobilized to maintain the parks as open spaces for general use.

The model shows how the concrete actions of various individuals and groups were interdependent. Additionally, the model includes a generalized form that can be used to account for similar sequences of actions in other situations.

The narrative and the Ethno model are presented in an article by William Stevenson and Danna Greenberg: "The formal analysis of narratives of organizational change," Journal of Management, 24 (1998): 741-762. Stevenson and Greenberg's Ethno 1 model is translated into an Ethno model for presentation here.

The Ethno Data for environmental activism

© 1997, 2001, 2007, 2012 David Heise