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This Help document is about searching for concepts
with the form that appears when you select
Find Concepts in the Forms menu.

Concept gates
Cut-off Distance

Basic Functions

The Find concepts form allows you to determine what words fit a given sentiment or feeling. You define the sentiment with three slider scales at the top of the form. To set a slider, position the cursor over the knob, press the mouse button, and drag the knob one direction or the other along the scale. End by releasing the mouse button.

Use the topmost slider to specify whether you are looking for good or bad concepts. Use the middle slider to specify whether you want concepts that are powerful or powerless. Use the bottom slider to specify how active or inactive the concepts should be.

The results panel shows words whose connotations are close to the sentiment that you specify. The words are sorted so that the closest words appear first.

If the Males button is marked, then searches are conducted with data acquired from male respondents. If the Females button is marked, searches are conducted with data from female respondents.

Only one of the buttons labeled Identities, Behaviors, Modifiers, or Settings is marked at a time, and searches are limited to words of that type. Change the type by clicking one of the other buttons.

You can select text in the results panel by dragging across it with the computer's mouse, and selected text can be copied by pressing the appropriate key combination (e.g., CTRL-C in Microsoft Windows). The copied text can be pasted into a word processor document.

Advanced Functions

In advanced mode, an EPA box appears showing you the EPA numbers that you are specifying with the sliders. You may specify a search profile numerically in the EPA box. Click within the EPA box  and enter an EPA profile -- three numbers between -4 and +4, separated by commas or spaces, and press Enter.

In advanced mode, each word appearing in the results panel is followed by its EPA profile, and then by a number representing the Euclidean distance between the search profile and the word's EPA profile.

Concept Gates

Concept gates are displayed in advanced mode. The gates vary depending on whether you are searching Identities, Behaviors, Modifiers, or Settings. In any case, all categories initially are marked so that the gates do not restrict searches. Click on a checked category to remove that kind of concept from results. Click on an unchecked category to bring such words back into results. (More information about gates is in the Help message on Analyzing events.)

Cut-off Distance

Words are not reported if the distance between their EPA profiles and the search profile exceeds a certain distance. The cut-off distance being used in Interact is displayed in the box labeled "Enter maximum distance". You can have Interact use a different cut-off by typing the value you want in this box and pressing Enter.

The cut-off value displayed in the box is used in searches throughout Interact - e.g., in selecting behaviors on the Analyze-events form.

© 1997, 2000, 2011
David Heise