Research Agendas In Affect Control Theory

part of the
2002 Nags Head Conference Series

May 17-20, 2002

Friday Schedule
Saturday Schedule
Sunday Schedule
Monday Schedule

Program Introduction

We are pleased to welcome you to this conference focusing on Research Agendas in Affect Control Theory. With the growing impact of affect control theory on an expanding set of research traditions this seems the perfect time to bring together researchers in the area for an opportunity to discuss new research, to share ideas, and to provide helpful critiques of others' work. We will hear presentations on new empirical research using affect control theory, new theoretical developments within the theory, as well as new theoretical and empirical research in other traditions that draw key insights from affect control theory. Presentations will include completed projects, research in progress, research proposals, workshop panels, and theoretical commentary. It is our hope that this will stimulate lively debate, new insights and a collective focus on directions for future theoretical progress.

We appreciate the efforts you have made to be here to celebrate the progress that affect control theory has made, and to discuss directions that the research tradition is heading today. We are confident that this conference will be a valuable opportunity for affect control theory researchers to come together in order to both showcase and enhance intellectual vitality within the field.

--Dawn T. Robinson and Lynn Smith-Lovin, Co-organizers

We are grateful for the generous support from the Latané Center for Human Science and for support from the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 0111291 to Dawn T Robinson and 0110599 to Lynn Smith-Lovin.

Friday, May 17

Afternoon, Arrival/Check-in

6:00, Welcome Reception

Saturday, May 18

0, Opening Remarks

9:00-10:00, Surveyor-Magellan Workshop

Panelists: Heise, MacKinnon, Smith

10:00-10:15, Coffee Break

10:15 -11:15, Affect Control Across Cultures

Smith: "Challenges in Producing Chinese Affect Control Models"
Willigan: "Extending ACT to the People of the Fourth World: the Diné"
11:15-12:15, Affect Control in Task Group Interactions

Childers: "An Affect Control Model of Status Emergence"
McKeon: "Identity Manipulation and Maintenance: An Experimental Study of Conversational Interaction"
12:15-2:00, Lunch Break

2:00-3:30, New Research on ACT and Social Identity

Heise: "How do I Know Thee? Let me Count the Ways: Would you believe 9,812?"
MacKinnon: "Affect Control Theoretical Foundation for Identity Theory"
Smith-Lovin: " Ecology of Identity: Implications for Multiple Identity Processing, Identity Meaning and Emotional Experience"
3:30-3:45, Coffee Break

3:45-4:45, Proposed Affect Control Research on Children's Networks

Clark: "Parent-Child Relationships and Sentiments Among Children"
Rogalin: "The Development of Affective Meaning"
4:45-5:15, Group Discussion

5:15-6:00, Break

6:00-7:00, Cocktail Hour


After Dinner Talk

Latané: "The Future of Human Science"

Sunday, May 19

8:30-10:00, Affect Control Theory Research on Emotions

Robinson: "ACT and the Competition: Some Alternative Models of Emotion and Identity"
Francis: "Health Effects of Affectively Controlling Written Expression"
Lively: "Emotional Segueing: Exploring Emotion Management Pathways in the GSS"

10:00-10:15, Coffee Break

10:15-11:15, New Applications of Affect Control Theory

Schneider: "Gender Differences as a Measurement Rod for Understanding Crosscultural Differences"
Dunphy: "An Application of Affect Control Theory to Folklore Theory and Research."
11:15-12:15, Extending the Grammar of Affect Control Theory

Kalkhoff: "Deviance as Affect-control: Reviving the Subcultural Approach in Criminology"
Rashotte: "Adding Nonverbal Behaviors to ACT"

12:15-2:00, Lunch Break

2:00-4:00, Proposed Affect Control Research using Simulated Networks

Nelson: "What do we redefine? Some Hypotheses Developed from Simulation Studies of Deflection"
Cabrera: "Understanding Trust Through Affect Control Theory"
Wang Jin: "Cross-cultural Friendships"
Youngreen: "Emergent Friendship Networks in the Classroom: A Simulation Employing Affect Control Theory."
4:00-4:15, Break

4:15-5:15, New Research on EPA and Self Meanings

Kroska: "Gender Ideology-Housework Discrepancies: Examining the Consequences for Self-Meanings and Spouse-Meanings"
Moore: "Selective Identity Acquisition: Choosing From Among Alternative Occupational Identities in the Social Domain of Work"
Keeton: "Identity Amalgamation as Means of Resolving Identity Competition and Conflict: Insights and Measurement Strategies From Affect Control Theory" (canceled)
5:15-6:00, Break

6:00-7:00, Cocktail Hour

After Dinner Talk (Added to Program)

Willigan: "Ghost Stories: What White Bead Woman Wanted the Word People to Know"

Monday, May 20

9:00-10:00, ACT in New Theoretical Territories

Friedkin: "Attitude Change, Affect, and Status in the Formation of Influence Networks"
McPherson: "Some Challenges (Opportunities) for Affect Control Theory"

10:00-10:30, Group Discussion



Joey Cabrera
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona 85721-0027
Tucson, AZ

Kevin Childers
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa 52242
Iowa City, IA

Tara Dunphy
Department of Sociology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G 1

Linda Francis
School of Social Welfare
Stony Brook University 11794-8231
Stony Brook, NY  

Noah Friedkin
Department of Sociology
University of California
Santa Barbara 93106

Eric Gadol
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC

David R. Heise
Department of Sociology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7000

Wang Jin
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Will Kalkhoff
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Shirley Keeton
Department of Sociology
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL

Amy Kroska
Department of Sociology
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242

Bibb Latané, President
Latané Center for Human Science
212 Vance Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Kathryn Lively
Department of Sociology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7000

Neil MacKinnon
Department of Sociology
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario Canada NlG 2Wl

Tiffiny Guidry McKeon
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0027

J. Miller McPherson
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0027

Kristi Miller
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0027

Christopher Moore
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Stephen Nelson
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona
Tucson,AZ 85721-0027

Lisa Rashotte
Department of Sociology
University of North Carolina- Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Dawn T. Robinson
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Christabel Rogalin
Department of Sociology
W140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

Andreas Schneider
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Texas Tech University
Box 41012, Lubbock, TX 79409-41012

Herman W. Smith
University of Missouri-St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63121-4499

Lynn Smith-Lovin
400 Social Sciences Building
PO Box 210027
University of Arizona

Dennis Willigan
Department of Sociology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Reef Youngreen
Department of Sociology
W 140 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242