Song Information
Song Artist(s):Jewel
Song Title:Standing Still

Album Information
Album:Women & Songs 6

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Blues/Pop

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Cutting through the darkest night are my two headlights
Try to keep it clear, but I'm losing it here
To the twilight
There's a dead end to my left
There's a burning bush to my right
You aren't in sight
You aren't in sight

Do you want me
Like I want you
Or am I standing still
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by

Mothers on the stoop
Boys in souped-up coupes
On this hot summer night
Between fight and flight
Is the blind man's sight
And a choice that's right
I roll the window down
Feel like I'm gonna drown in this strange town
Feel broken down
Feel broken down

Do you need me
Like I need you?
Or am I standing still
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by

Sweet sorrow is a call tomorrow
Sweet sorrow is a call tomorrow

Do you love me
Like I love you?
Or am I standing still
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by


Oh you're passing me by
Passing me by

Do you need me like I need you to?
Do you want me like I want you?
Or are you passing me by?
Or am I standing still?

Track Information
Published Time:4:30
Measured Time:4:30
Traktor Peak dB: 0.014
Traktor Perceived dB:-0.651

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:123.9
Traktor BPM: 123.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:A m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:2d118b15-f5a0-91ac-e061-43b593227f41

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Jewel
Song Title:Standing Still
First Release Year:2001

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