Song Information
Song Artist(s):Europe
Song Title:More Than Meets the Eye

Album Information
Album:Out of This World

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Now he walks in shadows
He's tryin' to pretend she never walked away
but it's not deceivin'
he's closer to an end he never could foresee
Where love goes
where love dies,
heaven knows
But it's more than meets the eye
so much more than just a last goodbye
it's a cold and lonely heart
so sad and torn apart
yes it's more than meets the eye
now he's in for trouble
his luck has turned away
nobody seems to care
well there's a cold moon risin'
and another lonely day
has passed and she's not

Track Information
Published Time:3:21
Measured Time:3:20
Traktor Peak dB: 0.278
Traktor Perceived dB: 4.179

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 95.3
Traktor BPM: 95.3 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:E m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:b3fe38ee-79de-44d8-2888-b327b65e06e9

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Europe
Song Title:More Than Meets The Eye
First Release Year:1988

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
POWERTRK_030-06The Jackson 5ABC
EUROPE___OTW-02EuropeLet the Good Times Rock
QNSRYCHE_OPM-03QueensrycheRevolution Calling
POWERTRK_152-14The Quireboys7 O'Clock
PAULJANZ_GH1-08Paul JanzGo to Pieces
EUROPE___OTW-08EuropeJust the Beginning
EDDIEMNY_GH1-11Eddie MoneyNo Control
WOODSTCK_94A-04Joe CockerFeelin' Alright [Live]
BRGHTRCK_TDB-07Brighton RockPower Overload
VANHALEN_150-01Van HalenGood Enough
STVEMILR_LV1-08Steve Miller BandTake the Money And Run [Live]
SPINALTP_STD-01Spinal TapHell Hole
VANHALEN_812-03Van HalenA. F. U. (Naturally Wired)
BELINDAC_GH1-02Belinda CarlisleI Get Weak
POWERTRK_142-05Natural SelectionDo Anything
EUROPE___OTW-10EuropeLights And Shadows
POWERTRK_032-06AC/DCYou Shook Me All Night Long
HNYMNSTE_GH1-01Honeymoon SuiteNew Girl Now
PMCARTNY_LV1-02Paul McCartneyBirthday [Live]
RIKEMMET_IPS-11Rik EmmettDo Me Good
POWERTRK_011-02Edwin StarrWar
MAXWEBST_GH1-02Max WebsterHigh Class in Borrowed Shoes
GENESIS__WCD-08GenesisLiving Forever
HEART____LV1-12HeartYou're the Voice [Live]
EUROPE___TFC-09EuropeOn the Loose
QNSRYCHE_EMP-10QueensrycheOne And Only
POWERTRK_042-05Stray CatsRock This Town
TWSTSIST_GH1-05Twisted SisterYou Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll
HEART____LV1-08HeartThe Night [Live]
POWERTRK_149-12Dire StraitsTwisting by the Pool
TRIUMPH__SUR-08TriumphRock You Down
LEDZEPLN_G1D-12Led ZeppelinBonzo's Montreux - Moby Dick
POWERTRK_129-15AcceptBalls to the Wall
QNSRYCHE_OPM-04QueensrycheOperation : Mindcrime
KIMMITCH_LV1-07Kim MitchellRock 'N Roll Duty [Live]
POWERTRK_058-08Northern PikesShe Ain't Pretty
EUROPE___TFC-08EuropeHeart of Stone
HOWJONES_GH1-01Howard JonesWhat Is Love?
POWERTRK_110-10Sweet SensationIf Wishes Came True
HNYMNSTE_TBP-06Honeymoon SuiteWounded
HEART____LV1-03HeartCall of the Wild [Live]
POWERTRK_148-04Bob SegerKatmandu
EUROPE___TFC-02EuropeRock the Night
REOSPEED_GH1-05REO SpeedwagonThat Ain't Love
FIXX_____GH1-04The FixxSecret Separation
BADCMPNY_HCT-05Bad CompanyBoth Feet in the Water
RCKSPRNG_GH1-03Rick SpringfieldLove Is Alright Tonight
POWERTRK_096-02Grand Funk RailroadWe're an American Band
PMCARTNY_LV1-13Paul McCartneyComing Up [Live]
COLL5060_001-07DionThe Wander
POWERTRK_063-07The Doobie BrothersChina Grove
HNYMNSTE_MUB-03Honeymoon SuiteIf Ya Love Me
YNGWEMLM_GH1-08Yngwie MalmsteenHeaven Tonight
LEVEL42__GH1-09Level 42Heaven in My Hands
EUROPE___PIP-03EuropeI'll Cry for You
QUEEN____LV1-07QueenI Want to Break Free
POWERTRK_063-17Bruce SpringsteenBorn in the U.S.A.
YNGWEMLM_GH1-05Yngwie MalmsteenLiar
HOTTROCK_004-17Amanda MarshallFall From Grace
POWERTRK_158-10Oingo BoingoWeird Science
BILYJOEL_LV1-15Billy JoelBack in the U.S.S.R. [Live]
HNYMNSTE_TBP-05Honeymoon SuiteOne by One
POWERTRK_081-07Tom CochraneNo Regrets
HNYMNSTE_TBP-09Honeymoon SuiteOnce the Feeling
POWERTRK_129-14The Jeff Healey BandI Can See the Light
DTRANDOM_007-08The Lovin' SpoonfulDo You Believe in Magic
MEATLOAF_BOH-04Meat LoafAll Revved Up with No Place to Go
HLSUMMER_IGE-05Henry Lee SummerMy Louisa
POWERTRK_074-13The KnackGood Girls Don't
DTRANDOM_034-06Bruce SpringsteenLeap Of Faith
HNYMNSTE_MUB-02Honeymoon SuiteBring on the Light
HEART____LV1-05HeartShell Shock [Live]
DTRANDOM_028-21Neal McCoyWink