Dave Tompkins :: Gradbert
Presented from newest to oldest. Scroll down to the bottom to begin.
(all comics originally appeared in the Graduate Magazine)
The 8 Commandments of Graduate School:
In text format (because my handwriting is so sloppy...)
1. Thou shalt not initiate talk on thy neighbour's research progress
2. Only criticize thy neighbour's research in private
3. Thou shalt not reveal the location of thy neighbour
4. Thou shalt not covet thine undergrads
5. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's funding
6. Take advantage of all of the opportunities available in grad school -- especially free food
7. Honour thy supervisor -- for they are the key to your salvation
8. Work hard and party hard
Note: Gradbert 1.04 was lost forever. It involved Gradbert's fake "him" going to the pub and picking up.