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Class dispatcher.Globals


public class Globals
extends Object
This class holds all global parameters and pic settings

Variable Index

 o arc_clockwise
current arc default direction
 o arc_radius
current arc default radius
 o arrow_height
current arrow default height
 o arrow_width
current arrow default width
 o box_height
current box default height
 o box_width
current box default width
 o circle_radius
current circle default radius
 o copy
current copy state
 o curr_style
current line style
 o currElement
current element in the picture
 o currElementAsInt
current element type
 o current_x
current X coordinate
 o current_y
current Y coordinate
 o currentFont
current font
 o currFrame
current frame
 o currLine
the application's TextWindow object
 o currPosition
current position in the elements list
 o defaultsON
On/Off defaults
 o direction
current drawing direction
 o ellipse_height
current ellipse default height
 o ellipse_width
current ellipse default width
 o frameToolkit
current Toolkit
 o grid
current grid
 o group
current group flag
 o init_X
the X coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture
 o init_Y
the Y coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture
 o insertBefore
Shows the insertion place (before or after the current element)
 o line_height
current line default height
 o line_width
current line default widht
 o max_height
current maximal height
 o max_width
current maximal width
 o move_height
current move default height
 o move_width
current move default width
 o paste
current paste state
 o recovery
the application's Recovery object
 o scale
current scale value
 o selected1
the first element in the selected group
 o selected2
the last element in the selected group
 o shape_fill
current default fill flag
 o showGrid
current show grid state
the application is in a TEST mode
 o text_height
current text default height
 o text_width
current text default width
 o textON
On/Off text flag

Constructor Index

 o Globals()

Method Index

 o getDirAsString(int)
Returns the string representing current drawing direction
 o getShapeAsString(int)
Returns the name of shape by its type
 o isClosePoints(Point, Point)
Returns true iff points p1 and p2 are close one to another
 o reset()
Resets all global parameters to default values
 o scaleGlobals()
Scales global pic parameters
 o styleAsString()
Returns current the drawing style as string
 o styleAsString(int)
Returns the given drawing style as string


 o init_X
 public static int init_X
the X coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture

 o init_Y
 public static int init_Y
the Y coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture

 o insertBefore
 public static boolean insertBefore
Shows the insertion place (before or after the current element)

 o direction
 public static int direction
current drawing direction

 o current_x
 public static int current_x
current X coordinate

 o current_y
 public static int current_y
current Y coordinate

 o ellipse_width
 public static int ellipse_width
current ellipse default width

 o ellipse_height
 public static int ellipse_height
current ellipse default height

 o box_height
 public static int box_height
current box default height

 o box_width
 public static int box_width
current box default width

 o shape_fill
 public static boolean shape_fill
current default fill flag

 o circle_radius
 public static int circle_radius
current circle default radius

 o line_width
 public static int line_width
current line default widht

 o line_height
 public static int line_height
current line default height

 o arrow_width
 public static int arrow_width
current arrow default width

 o arrow_height
 public static int arrow_height
current arrow default height

 o move_width
 public static int move_width
current move default width

 o move_height
 public static int move_height
current move default height

 o arc_radius
 public static int arc_radius
current arc default radius

 o text_width
 public static int text_width
current text default width

 o text_height
 public static int text_height
current text default height

 o max_width
 public static int max_width
current maximal width

 o max_height
 public static int max_height
current maximal height

 o scale
 public static float scale
current scale value

 o arc_clockwise
 public static boolean arc_clockwise
current arc default direction

 o curr_style
 public static int curr_style
current line style

 o group
 public static boolean group
current group flag

 o currElement
 public static LinkedList currElement
current element in the picture

 o currElementAsInt
 public static int currElementAsInt
current element type

 o selected1
 public static LinkedList selected1
the first element in the selected group

 o selected2
 public static LinkedList selected2
the last element in the selected group

 o currPosition
 public static int currPosition
current position in the elements list

 o textON
 public static boolean textON
On/Off text flag

 o defaultsON
 public static boolean defaultsON
On/Off defaults

 o currentFont
 public static Font currentFont
current font

 o frameToolkit
 public static Toolkit frameToolkit
current Toolkit

 o currFrame
 public static Diamond currFrame
current frame

 o copy
 public static boolean copy
current copy state

 o grid
 public static Grid grid
current grid

 o showGrid
 public static boolean showGrid
current show grid state

 o paste
 public static boolean paste
current paste state

 o recovery
 public static Recovery recovery
the application's Recovery object

 o currLine
 public static TextWindow currLine
the application's TextWindow object

 public static boolean TEST
the application is in a TEST mode


 o Globals
 public Globals()


 o getDirAsString
 public static String getDirAsString(int direction)
Returns the string representing current drawing direction

 o getShapeAsString
 public static String getShapeAsString(int shapeType)
Returns the name of shape by its type

 o styleAsString
 public static String styleAsString()
Returns current the drawing style as string

 o styleAsString
 public static String styleAsString(int style)
Returns the given drawing style as string

 o reset
 public static void reset()
Resets all global parameters to default values

 o scaleGlobals
 public static void scaleGlobals()
Scales global pic parameters

 o isClosePoints
 public static boolean isClosePoints(Point p1,
                                     Point p2)
Returns true iff points p1 and p2 are close one to another

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