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Class dispatcher.Dispatcher


public class Dispatcher
extends Object
This file treats all changes that are performed on the pic file

Constructor Index

 o Dispatcher()

Method Index

 o createShape(int, Graphics)
Creates a shape of a given type.
 o dummyTreatment(String)
Treats the pic file changes that don't require the new shape creation
 o edit(int, Graphics)
Treats edit actions that is cut, copy, paste
 o heavyTreatment(Graphics, String)
This method treats pic file changes that require the compilation.
 o setInsertionPoint()
Sets the insertion point for the current shape


 o Dispatcher
 public Dispatcher()


 o createShape
 public static void createShape(int ShapeType,
                                Graphics graphics)
Creates a shape of a given type. Choose approprite treatment method accodring to shape's position

 o dummyTreatment
 public static void dummyTreatment(String insertedText)
Treats the pic file changes that don't require the new shape creation

 o edit
 public static void edit(int editType,
                         Graphics graphics)
Treats edit actions that is cut, copy, paste

 o setInsertionPoint
 public static void setInsertionPoint()
Sets the insertion point for the current shape

 o heavyTreatment
 public static void heavyTreatment(Graphics graphics,
                                   String picText)
This method treats pic file changes that require the compilation. It saves previous program state and recover it if compiler reports an error.

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