

Programs that use web services and otherwise need to authenticate.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
userid text 2147483647 null
clt_client.userid clt_program_client_id_fkeyC

The id assigned to the program accessing the protected service.

contact_email text 2147483647 null

An email address to use in contacting the humans behind the program.

psia_notes text 2147483647 null

Notes about related PSIA documents.

public_key text 2147483647 null

A public key used to verify the client’s identity. PCKS8 format.

time_out int4 10 null

How soon (in seconds) must the client re-authenticate?

Table contained 13 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
clt_program_pkey Primary key Asc userid
