

OAT clients, both programs and humans.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
userid text 2147483647 null
clt_perm_grant.userid clt_perm_grant_client_id_fkey1C
clt_program.userid clt_program_client_id_fkeyC
clt_user.userid clt_user_client_id_fkeyC

The id assigned. Program ids begin with an underscore; human ids do not

date_added date 13 now()

The date this client was added.

added_by "_quest"."quest_userid" 2147483647 null

Who added the client.

notes text 2147483647 null

Notes about the client’s expected usage, etc.

review_due_date date 13 ((now())::date + 365)

Date this client should be reviewed to determine if it is still appropriate.

Table contained 486 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
clt_client_pkey Primary key Asc userid
