Dell™ Remote Access Controller Racadm User's Guide
Using the racadm Utility to Configure the RAC
The racadm command-line utility provides a scriptable interface that allows you to locally or remotely configure your remote access controller (RAC). The racadm utility runs on the management station and the managed system and is available on the Dell OpenManage Systems Management CD (32-bit systems) and on the Dell OpenManage Server Management CD (64-bit systems).
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NOTE: The racadm command-line utility is supported on Dell™ PowerEdge™ 7150 managed systems. However, when you use the utility on this system, the primary command is drscadm instead of racadm. For more information about using the drscadm utility on PowerEdge 7150 systems, see the Remote Service Card User's Guide on your documentation CD. |
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NOTE: You can also use the Option ROM on your RAC or Dell OpenManage™ Server Administrator to configure your RAC. |
Using the racadm command, you can enter subcommands to configure RAC properties. When you enter racadm subcommands, the racadm utility sets or retrieves object property values in the RAC properties database.
You can also use the racadm utility to write scripts that will automatically configure multiple RACs. For example, when configuring in batch mode, a series of calls to the racadm utility can perform actions such as upgrading RAC firmware, setting a property to a specific value, and reading the configuration of the RAC. All command switches are case-sensitive. For more information about configuring multiple RACs, see "RAC Configuration File."
For more information about your RAC, including a list of other documents you may need, see your Dell Remote Access Controller Installation and Setup Guide.
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NOTE: To limit the stress load on the managed system and the RAC when using the racadm utility, you should add one- or two-second "sleep" or "delay" commands between each racadm command. |
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NOTICE: Commands and code samples in this section are RAC-specific. Some commands or samples may not be applicable to your RAC. For example, lines that contain configuration code for modems, dial-in users, or demand dial-out entries are specific to DRAC III. |
Command |
Definition |
racadm | Command-line status and configuration utility for RACs. |
Without options, racadm executes the help command, which displays a list of available tests and a one-line description of each. The racadm help <subcommand> displays any syntax and command-line options.
The racadm utility provides a remote capability option (-r) that allows you to connect to the managed system and execute racadm subcommands from a remote console or management station. You only need the IP address of the managed system.
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NOTE: The racadm remote capability is supported only for the Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Red Hat Linux operating systems. |
racadm <options> <subcommand> <subcommand_options>
racadm <options> [-u <user name>] -p <password> -r <racIpAddr> <subcommand>
racadm <options> -i -r <racIpAddr> <subcommand>
racadm <options> -r <racIpAddr> <subcommand>
The base racadm command has the following options:
If you use the -r option, you must also use the -u and -p options to configure the RAC to accept racadm commands. Using the -r option without the previously listed options will result in a command failure.
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NOTE: It is recommended that you run these commands on your local system. You must reset the RAC controller to enable these commands. |
Enter the following command to enable remote security:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 1
Enter the following command to disable remote security:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 0
Option |
Description |
0x1 | Standard out messages |
0x2 | Standard error messages |
0x4 | Debug messages |
racadm -l 0x3 -L log <subcommand [subcommand_options]>
The argument 0x3 for the log level is the OR of STDOUT and STDERR messages. Both of these message types are written to the file name log. The verbose, or -v, option defaults to 0x3, or STDOUT, STDERR.
Configure the IP address on your RAC before using the racadm remote capability. For more information about initially configuring your RAC, including a list of other documents you may need, see your Dell Remote Access Controller Installation and Setup Guide.
The racadm remote interface uses CHAP MD5 encrypted authentication.
Command |
Description |
Allows enabling or disabling of the remote console. | |
Clears the last ASR screen (last blue screen). | |
Configures the RAC and displays the RAC configuration. | |
Displays the last RAC coredump. | |
Deletes the core dump stored in the RAC. | |
Executes or gets status on RAC firmware updates. | |
Displays RAC sensor readings and information. | |
Displays information about active sessions. | |
Displays general RAC and system information. | |
Lists RAC subcommands. | |
help <subcommand> | Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand. |
Enables or disables local operating system authentication. | |
Dumps RAC status and state information for debug. | |
Resets the RAC. | |
Resets the RAC to the default configuration. | |
Allows the user to power-on, power-off, or restart one or all server modules. | |
Sets time, managed system name, operating system name, and type from the managed system to the RAC. | |
Generates and download the secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate signing request (CA). | |
Uploads a CA certificate or server certificate to the RAC. | |
Views a CA certificate or server certificate in the RAC. | |
Synchronizes the VNC password from the RAC to the host VNC. | |
Sends an alphanumeric page to a user. | |
Forces the RAC to send an e-mail over the RAC NIC. | |
Sends an alphanumeric page to a user. | |
Forces the RAC to send an SNMP over the RAC NIC. |
When using racadm commands and subcommands, you may encounter one or more of the following errors:
racadm <subcmd> : ERROR:<message>
If you are running racadm remotely, transport error messages may indicate network communication problems or that the management station is unable to communicate with the RAC.
racadm <subcmd> : Transport : ERROR : <message>
racadm <subcmd> : Firmware : ERROR : <message>
The RAC configuration file <filename>.cfg is used with the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command. The configuration file is a simple text file that allows the user to build a configuration file (similar to an .ini file) and configure the RAC from this file. You may use any file name, and the file does not require a .cfg ending (although it is referred to by that designation in this subsection). The .cfg file can be:
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NOTE: See "config/getconfig" for information about the getconfig command. |
The .cfg file is first parsed to verify that valid group and object names are present and that some simple syntax rules are being followed. Errors are flagged with the line number in which the error was detected, and a simple message explains the problem. The entire file is parsed for correctness, and all errors are displayed. Writes are not performed to the RAC if an error is found in the .cfg file. The user must correct all errors before any configuration can take place. The -c option may be used in the config subcommand, which verifies syntax only and does not perform writes to the RAC.
Be aware of the following important points:
The parser reads in all of the indexes from the RAC for that group. Any objects within that group are simple modifications at configuration time. If a modified object represents a new index, the index is created on the RAC during configuration.
Indexes may be created and deleted, so over time the group may become fragmented with used and unused indexes. If an index is present, it is modified. If an index is not present, the first available index is used. This method allows flexibility when adding indexed entries, where the user does not need to make exact index matches between all of the RACs being managed; new users are added to the first available index. A .cfg file that parses and runs correctly on one RAC may not run correctly on another if all of indexes are full and a new user was to be added.
To keep all RACs the same, use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the RAC to original defaults, and then run the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command. Ensure that the .cfg file has all the desired objects, users, indexes, and other parameters.
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NOTICE: Using the racresetcfg subcommand resets the database and the RAC NIC settings to the original default settings and removes all users and user configurations. While the root user is available, other users' settings are also reset to the default. |
A comment line must start in column one. A '#' character in any other column is treated as a # character. (Some modem parameters may have # characters as part of their string. An escape character is not required. The user may want to generate a .cfg from a racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command, and then perform a racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command to a different RAC, without adding escape characters).
# This would be a comment
cfgUserAdminPageModemInitString=<Modem init # not a comment>
The starting "[" character denoting a group name must start in column one. This group name must be specified before any of the objects in that group. Objects that do not have a group name associated with them generate an error. The configuration data is organized into groups as defined in "RAC Property Database Group and Object Definitions."
The following is an example of a group name, object, and the object's property value:
White spaces after the value are ignored. A white space inside a value string is left unmodified. Any character to the right of the '=' is taken as is (for example, a second '=', or a '#', '[', ']', and so forth). All of these characters are valid modem chat script characters.
See the example in the previous bullet item.
The user cannot specify which index is used. If the index already exists, it is used, or else the new entry is created in the first available index for that group. The racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command places a comment in front of index objects, which allows the user to see which comments are being used.
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NOTE: The user may create an indexed group manually using the following command: |
racadm config -g <groupName> -o <anchored object> -i <index 1-16> <unique anchor name>
The user must remove an indexed object manually using the following command:
racadm config -g <groupName> -o <objectName> -i <index 1-16> ""
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NOTE: A NULL string (two " characters [""]) directs the RAC to delete the index for the specified group. |
To view the contents of an indexed group, use the following command:
racadm getconfig -g <groupName> -i <index 1-16>
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NOTE: Enter the racadm getconfig -f <myexample>.cfg command. This command builds a .cfg file of the current RAC configuration. This file can be used as an example and as a starting point for your unique .cfg file. |
This section provides descriptions of subcommands that you can run under the racadm command-line utility.
Command |
Definition |
allowEnDisRem | Allows enabling or disabling of the remote console. |
racadm allowEnDisRem <TRUE | FALSE>
This command is applicable only to Windows operating systems. When TRUE, a user performing console redirection through the RAC Web-based remote access interface can disable the local keyboard and mouse. When FALSE, the local keyboard and mouse cannot be disabled.
Clears the last crash screen that is in memory.
racadm clearasrscreen
Command |
Definition |
config | Configures the RAC. |
getconfig | Gets the RAC configuration data. |
racadm config [-s -p -c] -f <filename>
racadm config [-s] -g <groupName> -o <objectName> [-i <index>] <Value>
racadm getconfig [-p] -f <filename>
racadm getconfig -g <groupName> [-i <index>]
racadm getconfig -u <username>
racadm getconfig -h
The configuration subcommand allows the user to set RAC configuration parameters individually or to batch them as part of a configuration file. After the .cfg file has been correctly parsed, each object is read. If the content is the same, a write to the RAC does not occur. If the data is different, that RAC object is written with the new value.
This subcommand generates error output upon encountering either of the following:
If errors are not encountered, this subcommand returns an indication of how many configuration objects that were written out of how many total objects were in the .cfg file.
The getconfig subcommand allows the user to retrieve RAC configuration parameters on an individual basis, or all the configuration groups may be retrieved and saved into a file.
This subcommand generates error output upon encountering either of the following:
If errors are not encountered, this subcommand displays the contents of the specified configuration.
Displays all of the configuration parameters (objects) that are contained in the group cfgLanNetworking.
Sets the cfgNicIpAddress configuration parameter (object) to the value This IP address object is contained in the group cfgLanNetworking.
Reads all of the configuration objects, from all of the RAC group configuration parameters and place them in a file called myrac.cfg.
Configures or reconfigures the RAC. The myrac.cfg file may be created from the command specified in the previous example if the RAC has a desired configuration to be replicated. The myrac.cfg file may also be edited manually as long as the parsing rules are followed.
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NOTE: The myrac.cfg file does not contain password information. To include this information in the file, it must be input manually. If you want to remove password information from the myrac.cfg file, use the -p option. |
Displays a list of the available configuration groups on the RAC.
Displays the configuration parameters for the user named root.
Command |
Definition |
coredump | Displays the last RAC core dump. |
racadm coredump
The coredump command displays detail information, including register values, recorded when the most recent bus error occurred, or the message No CORE dump available (if a previous bus error has not occurred, or if the data has been cleared).
This bus error information is persistent across power cycles of the RAC—the data remains in the flash memory of the RAC until either:
See the coredumpdelete command for information about deleting this information.
Example output:
FW d_cmdCoreDump:
Last CORE dump at Wed, 23 Oct 2002 15:49:41 GMT-05:00
Data Access Abort Running: 'IPEV' -#005E0000
CPSR = A0000013 (NzCv if SVC32) SP =018616DC LR =01023C34
R0 =D000AEB2 R1 =01151C1C R2 =0186179C R3 =00000007 R4 =01861700
R5 =C854E35C R6 =018617A0 R7 =00000011 R8 =01383C44 R9 =F1C729C6
R10=00000004 R11=01151C1C R12=0000005F USP=DEADBEEF ULR=00000000
SSP=018616DC SLR=01023C34 SPSR_svc=60000013
PC =01151C88-01151C88:
Image ID: jon Wed Oct 23 14:55:53 CDT 2002 //DG0YN811/c/esm4/10_23/RAC2.0/FW/rmc
Sysuptime: 67f
FIQ stack
<binary data>
IRQ stack
<binary data>
UNDEF stack
<binary data>
ABORT stack
<binary data>
SVC stack
<binary data>
SWI stack
<binary data>
Ienter stack
<binary data>
Current task stack: 'IPEV' -#005e0000
<binary data>
where <binary data> is the binary information that was generated by the RAC firmware.
Example output (when data is not available):
FW d_cmdCoreDump: No CORE dump available.
Command |
Definition |
coredumpdelete | Deletes the core dump stored in the RAC. |
racadm coredumpdelete
The coredumpdelete command clears the area reserved for persistent storage of bus error information. This operation is performed regardless of whether any bus error information is currently stored in the area reserved for this information.
See the coredump command for information about displaying the bus error information.
Command |
Definition |
fwupdate | Updates the firmware on the RAC. |
If you are using firmware version 1.0 or 1.1 for the DRAC III controller only, use the -d option to upgrade your firmware.
If you use the -f option, specify the proper filename for the installed RAC. These filenames include:
If you are updating your firmware locally, use one of the following commands to update your firmware:
racadm fwupdate -p -u -d <directory>
racadm fwupdate -p -u -f <filename>
For example:
racadm fwupdate -p -u -d \my\updatefiles\path
racadm fwupdate -p -u -f \my\updatefiles\path\<filename>
If you are updating your firmware remotely, use the following command to update your firmware:
racadm -r (RAC_IP) -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> fwupdate -g -u -a <TFTP_IP> -d <TFTP_DIR_PATH>
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NOTE: The -p option does not support remote firmware updates. |
If you are using firmware version 1.2 or higher for the DRAC III controller only, or if you are using any firmware level for the DRAC III/XT, ERA, or ERA/O controller, use the following command to upgrade your firmware:
racadm fwupdate -p -u -d <directory path>
The racadm command finds the appropriate firmware update file.
For example:
racadm fwupdate -p -u -d \my\updatefiles\path\
racadm fwupdate -u [-w] [-D]
racadm fwupdate -s
racadm fwupdate -g [-u ] [-w][-D] [-a <IP address>]
[-f <path/file>]
racadm fwupdate -c
racadm fwupdate -p -f <update filename> [-u] [-w] [-D]
The fwupdate subcommand allows the caller to update the firmware on the RAC. The user may:
The user may specify the IP address and path/filename or IP address and directory, or use the default values found in the database. The user may also specify that the update be started after loading, or to terminate and make a separate call to start the update process.
Option |
Description |
-u | The update option performs a checksum of the firmware update file and starts the actual update process. If this option is entered by itself, it is assumed that a firmware update file has already been loaded into the RAMdisk using the -g or -p options. This option may also be used along with the -g or -p options. After the firmware update file has been loaded, the update process is started within the same call. At the end of the update, the RAC performs a soft reset. |
-w | The wait option represents a delay in seconds to wait before proceeding with the update. The -w option is only valid with the -u option. |
-s | The status option returns the current status of where you are in the update process. This option is always entered by itself. Do not mix the -s options with others. If you do, the only action is the return of the status as if it was the only option entered. |
-g | The get option instructs the firmware to get the firmware update file from the TFTP server and place it in the RAMdisk area. The user may also specify the -a and/or the -f or -d options that are described next. In the absence of the -a or -f options the defaults are read from properties contained in the group cfgRemoteHosts, using properties cfgRhostsFwUpdateIpAddr and cfgRhostsFwUpdatePath. |
-a | The IP Address option specifies the IP address of the TFTP server. |
-f | The <path/filename> option specifies the location on the TFTP server or on the RAC's host system where the firmware update file resides. Do not use the -f option with the -d option. |
-d | The -d, or directory, option specifies the directory on the TFTP server or on the RAC's host server where the firmware update file resides. Do not use the -f option with the -d option. |
-c | The -c, or checksum, option allows the user to verify an update file that has been loaded into the RAMdisk area. The update file can be loaded by one of the two loading mechanisms (racadm utility or TFTP). This option essentially gets the size of the firmware update file and calculates the checksum, and verifies the file token. The TFTP interface verifies the checksum after loading automatically. This option is used mainly when using FTP. The -c option is not used with other options. (The -u option will always checksum before programming. It can be used along with the -u option). |
-D | After the update is complete, the RAC is reset. Upon boot, a call is made to reset all firmware configuration parameters to the default values. For more information, see "racresetcfg." |
-p | The -p, or put, option is used when you want to FTP the firmware update file from the managed system to the RAC. If the -f option is used, the name of the update image must be firming.bin. The update file is sent by way of FTP into the RAC. Checksum runs on the newly loaded image. If the checksum is not correct, an error message is displayed. The user is not required to enter the fwupdate -s option to do this. If the -u option is entered on the same command line, the update process starts. |
Displays a message indicating which operation is being performed.
In this example, the -g option tells the firmware to download the firmware update file from a location (specified by the -f option) on the TFTP server at a specific IP address (specified by the -a option). The update file is then loaded into RAMdisk. Since the -u option is not present, an update does not occur.
This option reads the current status of firmware update.
The -u option starts the update process. This command assumes that a valid firmware update file has been previously loaded using the -g or -p option. The update file checksum is verified for correctness before proceeding.
In this example, the -g option tells the firmware to download the firmware update file from a location (specified by the -f option) on the TFTP server at a specific IP address (specified by the -a option). The update file is then loaded into RAMdisk. The -u option tells the firmware to proceed with the update after the firmware is loaded.
Command |
Definition |
getsensors | Gets information on the RAC sensors. |
racadm getsensors
racadm getsensors -s <sensorNum>
racadm getsensors [-A] [-E] [-s <sensorNum>] [-h]
The getsensor command displays information about the sensors that are present on the RAC itself, not in the system or on the BMC or ESM.
The output translation follows the formula:
y = 10**R(m*X + B*10**K)
The text expansions and enumeration definitions are displayed in the following table. The RAC sensors are implemented with the corresponding data:
The following are 8-bit unsigned raw reading values:
The following constants apply to the conversion formula:
The <srcStatus> and <srcState> values are interpreted based on the value of <srcType>. They indicate the status and state of the source that the sensor is monitoring. The following table shows the enumeration and legal values for <srcStatus> and <srcState> as a function of <srcType>:
1 Temperature RAC III TEMP 37 degrees-C High-critical Temperature
2 Voltage RAC III BATT VOLT c6 Voltage High-warning Battery 100% Charged
3 Voltage RAC III EXTPWR VOLT eb Voltage Normal Ext pwr ON Connected
4 Voltage RAC III +12PCI VOLT bf Voltage Disabled PCI pwr Unk
5 Voltage RAC III -12PCI VOLT ae Voltage Disabled PCI pwr Unk
6 Voltage RAC III +5PCI VOLT c2 Voltage Disabled PCI pwr Unk
7 Voltage RAC III AUXPCI VOLT 00 Voltage Disabled PCI pwr Unk
2 Voltage RAC III BATT VOLT c6 Voltage High-warning Battery 100% Charged
5 2 "RAC -12PCI VOLT" ae 4 6 1 00 0
1 1 "RAC TEMP " 37 1 5 0 00 0 19 c9 7d 00 14 31 37 3ff 000 0 0 3 3
2 2 "RAC BATT VOLT " c6 4 3 3 64 3 a0 69 b1 5a 7e c6 db 313 000 0 4 5 5
3 2 "RAC EXTPWR VOLT" eb 4 1 4 01 1 e6 c0 ff 98 df ee ff 2fc 000 0 4 4 4
4 2 "RAC +12PCI VOLT" bf 4 6 1 00 0 c0 b8 c8 b3 b8 c8 cc 18f 000 0 4 3 3
5 2 "RAC -12PCI VOLT" ae 4 6 1 00 0 ae aa b2 a8 aa b2 b4 3bb 000 d 4 2 2
6 2 "RAC +5PCI VOLT " c2 4 6 1 00 0 c0 b6 c9 ad b6 c9 d3 2fc 000 0 4 4 4
7 2 "RAC AUXPCI VOLT" 00 4 6 1 00 0 bf ae d1 a2 ae d1 dc 354 000 0 4 6 6
Command |
Definition |
getssninfo | Retrieves session information for one or more currently active or pending sessions from the Session Manager's session table. |
racadm getssninfo [-A] [-u <username> | *]
The getssninfo command returns a list of currently active or pending users and optionally includes summary session table information. The summary information provides the total number of sessions in each of the defined Session Manager states:
Session table summary status:
Type ---------- | User --------- | IP Address --------------- | Login Date/Time --------------- | Consoles ------------ |
Web | RAC | root | Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:32:39 GMT-06:00 | NONE |
1 15
"Web" "RAC\root" "Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:32:39 GMT-06:00" "NONE"
"Web" "RAC\root" "Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:32:39 GMT-06:00" "NONE"
Command |
Definition |
getsysinfo | Displays RAC information, system information, and watchdog status information. |
racadm getsysinfo [-d] [-s] [-w] [-A]
The getsysinfo command returns information about the RAC, system, or watchdog status, depending on the command options. The order of data on output is always the same: RAC information, system information, and watchdog information.
Option |
Description |
-d | Displays RAC information. |
-s | Displays system information. |
-w | Displays watchdog information. |
-A | Eliminates the printing of headers/labels. |
If a -d, -s, or -w option is not specified, then these three options are used as defaults.
Every data element is output as a string with the exception of the following:
Enumeration values or bitmaps are defined for these elements. When the -A (API) option is included on the command, the enumeration/bit value of the element is listed in the output. Otherwise, the enumeration or bit value is mapped to a string before being output.
The following bullet items define the mapping of values to strings:
"123456" "PowerEdge 1650" "A08" "EF23VQ-0023" "" 0x100 "Server1"
"Microsoft Windows 2000 version 5.0, Build Number 2195, Service Pack 2" "1.60"
"Watchdog Info:" 2 39 40
System Information:
System ID = 123456
System Model = PowerEdge 1650
BIOS Version = A08
Asset Tag = EF23VQ-0023
Service Tag = 2MP9Z01
Hostname = Server1
OS name = Microsoft Windows 2000 version 5.0,
Build 2195 Service Pack 2
ESM Version = 1.60
Watchdog Information:
Recovery Action = Power Down
Present countdown value = 36
Initial countdown value = 40
Command |
Definition |
help | Lists all of the subcommands available to use with racadm and provides a short description for each. |
racadm help
racadm help <subcommand>
The help subcommand lists all of the subcommands that are available under the racadm command along with a one-line description. You may also enter a subcommand after help to get the syntax for a specific subcommand.
racadm help displays a complete list of subcommands.
racadm help <subcommand> displays usage information for the specified subcommand only.
Command |
Definition |
localauthenable | Enables or disables the local operating system authentication. |
racadm localauthenable [<TRUE|FALSE>]
The localuthenable subcommand determines if the RAC out-of-band GUI allows users to authenticate a user session using the local operating system user or the user credentials stored in the RAC database. If the setting is modified, the user must close and reopen the browser to see the change.
TRUE — Enables operating system authentication.
FALSE — Disables operating system authentication.
If you do not enter an argument, the localuthenable current state is returned.
Command |
Definition |
racdump | Displays status and general RAC information. |
racadm racdump
The racdump subcommand provides a single command to get a dump, status, and general RAC board information with a single command.
The following commands are executed as a result of the single racdump subcommand:
The output of the individual commands are displayed.
Command |
Definition |
racreset | Resets the RAC. |
racadm racreset [hard | soft | graceful] [delay]
The racreset subcommand issues a reset to the RAC. The user is allowed to select how many seconds of delay occur before the reset sequence is started. The reset event is written into the RAC log.
The default option is soft. If you do not enter an option, racadm waits three seconds and then runs the soft option with the racreset subcommand.
![]() |
NOTICE: You must reboot your system after performing a hard reset of the RAC as described in the following table. |
Start the RAC soft reset sequence in 1 second.
Start the RAC soft reset sequence after 20 seconds.
Command |
Definition |
racadm racresetcfg | Resets all database configuration parameters to default values; equivalent to a soft reset. |
racadm racresetcfg
The racresetcfg command removes all database property entries that have been configured by the user. The database has default properties for all entries that are used to restore the card back to its original default settings. After resetting the database properties, the RAC resets automatically.
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NOTICE: Before using this command, ensure that you want to restore your database to its original default state with default user root and default password calvin. |
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NOTE: After issuing a racresetcfg subcommand, stop and then restart the following services: Server Agent, Server Agent Event Monitor, and SNMP. See the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator's User's Guide for information on stopping and restarting the services in your operating system. |
Command |
Definition |
serveraction | Executes a managed system reset or power-on/off/cycle. |
serveraction [-d <delay>][-w <cycleWait>] <action>
The serveraction command provides an interface to control system reset and power control.
The serveraction command returns without output if successful.
Command |
Definition |
setrac | Sets RAC parameters from the managed system. |
racadm setrac [-t -h -o -T -d]
This command sets time, managed system name, operating system name, or operating system type from the managed system to the RAC. If no options are entered, all four parameters are set. The -d option allows the user to display the parameters only without actually writing them to the RAC firmware. Any combination of options, or no options, may be entered.
A message is displayed indicating the values obtained from the managed system, and if they are being written to the RAC or only displayed.
Only the parameter values are displayed.
The UTC time and managed system name are taken from the managed system and written to the RAC.
Command |
Description |
sslcsrgen | Generates and downloads the SSL CSR. |
racadm sslcsrgen [-g] [-u] [-f <filename>]
racadm sslcsrgen -s
The sslcsrgen subcommand is used to generate the CSR and download it to a file, <filename>.
![]() |
NOTE: If the -f option is not specified, the filename defaults to sslcsr in your current directory. |
If options are not specified, the default is -g -u. The -g -u options (together) cannot be used with the -s option. The -f option must be used with the -u option.
The sslcsrgen -s subcommand returns one of the following status codes:
0x00000000 – CSR was generated successfully.
0x40040014 – CSR does not exist.
0x40040006 – CSR generation in progress.
0x40040009 – Key size is not supported.
The sslcsrgen -u subcommand downloads the CSR from the RAC by FTP. This command returns 0 when successful and returns a nonzero number when unsuccessful.
The sslcsrgen command can only run on a system that has the managed system software installed.
racadm sslcsrgen -s
racadm sslcsrgen -g -u -f c:\csr\csrtest.txt
Command |
Description |
sslcertupload | Downloads a CA certificate to the RAC. |
racadm sslcertupload -t <type> [-f <filename>]
![]() |
NOTE: If the -f option is not specified, the filename defaults to sslcert in your current directory. |
The sslcertupload command returns 0 when successful and returns a nonzero number when unsuccessful.
The sslcertupload command can only run on a system that has the managed system software installed.
racadm sslcertupload -t 0x1 -f c:\cert\cert.txt
Command |
Description |
sslcertview | Displays a CA certificate or server certificate that is located in the RAC. |
racadm sslcertview -t <type> [-A]
Option |
Description |
-t | Specifies the type of certificate to upload, either the CA certificate or server certificate. 0x1 = server certificate 0x2 = CA certificate |
-A | Prevents printing headers/labels. |
For the racadm sslcertview -t 1 subcommand, you receive output similar to the following example, where C is the country, CN is the common name, O is the organization, OU is the organizational unit, L is the locality, S is the state, and E is the e-mail address:
certificate type=1
serial number=00
key size=1024
valid from=DSU+12:34:31
valid to=DSU+15:34:31
subject.CN=RMC Default Certificate
subject.O=Dell Computer
subject.L=Round Rock
issuer.CN=RMC Default Certificate
issuer.O=Dell Computer
issuer.L=Round Rock
For the racadm sslcertview -t 1 -A subcommand, you receive output similar to the following example:
RMC Default Certificate
Dell Computer
Round Rock
RMC Default Certificate
Dell Computer
Round Rock
Command |
Definition |
syncvncpassword | Sets the managed system VNC server password from the RAC. |
racadm syncvncpassword
The syncvncpassword subcommand reads the VNC password from the RAC firmware and sets the managed system's RAC VNC server to the same value.
This section provides subcommands that are used to test the RAC alert functions.
Command |
Description |
testalphapage | Sends an alphanumeric test page to a user. |
racadm testalphapage <-i <index> | -u <username>>
![]() |
NOTE: The DRAC III is the only RAC that supports modem capabilities. |
The testalphapage subcommand forces the RAC to send an alphanumeric page through the RAC modem to a user.
Option |
Description |
-u | Specifies the user who receives the page. The necessary properties must be set up to correctly page out. |
-i | Specifies the index of the user. |
Command |
Description |
testemail | Tests an e-mail alert. |
racadm testemail <-i <index> | -u <username>>
The testemail subcommand forces the RAC to send an e-mail over the RAC NIC.
Option |
Description |
-u | Specifies the user who receives the e-mail. The necessary properties must be setup to correctly page out. |
-i | Specifies the index of the user. |
Command |
Description |
testnumpage | Sends a numeric test page to a user. |
racadm testnumpage <-i <index> | -u <username>>
The testnumpage subcommand forces the RAC to send a numeric page through the RAC modem to a user.
![]() |
NOTE: The DRAC III is the only RAC that supports modem capabilities. |
Option |
Description |
-u | Specifies the user who receives the page. The necessary properties must be setup to correctly page out. |
-i | Specifies the index of the user. |
Command |
Description |
testtrap | Tests an SNMP trap. |
racadm testtrap -i <index>
The testtrap subcommand forces the RAC to send an SNMP trap over the RAC NIC.
Option |
Description |
-i | Specifies the index of the trap. |
The fastest method to configure the RAC is to use Server Administrator. If Server Administrator is unavailable, or if you prefer command-line or script configuration, you can also configure the RAC by using the racadm utility. The racadm utility is installed along with the RAC agents on the managed system.
To configure multiple RACs to contain the same user configuration settings, you can do either of the following:
The RAC allows up to 16 users to be configured into the RAC property database. Before manually adding the RAC user, you need to know which, if any, users exist. If the RAC is new, or the racadm racresetcfg command has been run, then the only user is root with the password calvin. The racresetcfg subcommand resets the RAC back to the original defaults.
![]() |
NOTICE: Use caution when using this command because all configuration parameters are reset to the original defaults; any previous changes are lost. |
![]() |
NOTE: Users can be added and deleted over time, so it is very possible that users on the RAC do not have the same index number as the same user on a different RAC. |
To find out if a user exists, enter the following command at the command prompt, once for each index of 1–16.
racadm getconfig -g cfgUserAdmin -i <index>
![]() |
NOTE: An alternate method to obtain this information would be to enter racadm getconfig -f <myfile.cfg>, then view or edit the myfile.cfg file, which includes all RAC configuration parameters. |
Over 20 parameters and object IDs are displayed along with their current values. The two objects of interest are:
# cfgUserAdminIndex=XX
If the cfgUserAdminUserName has no value, that index number, which is indicated by the cfgUserAdminIndex object, is available for use. If a name appears after the "=," that index is taken by that user name.
![]() |
NOTE: When you manually add or remove a user with the racadm config subcommand, you must specify the index with the -i option. Observe that the cfgUserAdminIndex object displayed in the previous example contains a '#' character. Also, if you use the racadm config -f racadm.cfg command to specify any number of groups/objects to write, the index cannot be specified. A new user is added to the first available index. This behavior allows more flexibility in configuring multiple RACs with the same settings. |
To add a simple user without any alert information, first locate an available user index by performing the steps in "Locating the Proper User Index." Next, enter the following two command lines with the new user name and password:
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminUserName -i <index> <username>
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i <index> <password>
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminUserName -i 2 john
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i 2 123456
A user name "john" with the password of "123456" is created. This user name and password can now be used to log into the Web-based remote access interface. You can verify this using either of the following two commands:
racadm getconfig -u john
racadm getconfig -g cfgUserAdmin -i 2
All users must be deleted manually. You cannot delete users by specifying them in a racadm.cfg file.
To delete the user "john" created in the previous example, enter the following command line:
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminUserName -i <index> ""
A NULL string (two " characters[""]) indicates to the RAC to delete the index for the specified group.
To add a RAC user that is able to receive e-mail and SNMP traps, first locate an available RAC user index by performing the steps in "Locating the Proper User Index." The following example has an available user index at index 2.
![]() |
NOTE: See "RAC Property Database Group and Object Definitions" for details about each specific object. |
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminUserName -i 2 john
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i 2 123456
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaNumber -i 2 9,18002506325
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaPagerId - i 2 415-0722
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaBaudRate -i 2 0x4B0
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaProtocol -i 2 8N1
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaCustomMsg -i 2 "RAC Alpha Page test"
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageAlphaEnable -i 2 1
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageNumericNumber -i 2 9,18774150722
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageNumericMessage -i 2 "111-222-3333"
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPageNumericEnable -i 2 1
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdmimPageModemInitString -i 2 AT+GCI=B5
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminEmailAddress -i 2 "<email address>"
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminEmailCustomMsg -i 2 "RAC Alert Email Test"
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminEmailEnable -i 2 1
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminAlertFilterRacEventMask -i 2 0x0
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventMask -i 2 0x0
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsSnmpCommunity -i 2 public
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsEnable -i 2 1
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsFilterRacEventMask -i 2 0x0
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsFilterSysEventMask -i 2 0x0
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsDestIpAddr -i 2 <SNMP trap destination>
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialType 0x1
racadm config -g cfgOobSnmp -o cfgOobSnmpTrapsEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgRemoteHosts -o cfgRhostsSmtpServerIpAddr
racadm racreset
You can enter the commands manually, or run a batch file, or build a .cfg file using the command racadm config -f racadm.cfg. After doing so, you may want to test each of the alerts.
E-mail alerting is enabled by the following command. A "0" disables this feature; a "1" enables it.
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminEmailEnable -i 2 1
racadm testemail -i 2
SNMP traps are enabled by the following command. A "0" disables this feature; a "1" enables it.
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsEnable -i 2 1
racadm testtrap -i 2
Enter the following command to get a list of the available network properties.
racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking
If you want to use DHCP to obtain an IP address, you can use the command to write the object cfgNicUseDhcp to enable it. You may also enter a static IP address, netmask, and gateway.
The commands provide the same configuration functionality as the option ROM does at boot-up time when prompted to enter <Ctrl><d>. For more information about configuring network properties with the option ROM, see "Configuring RAC Network Properties."
The following is an example of the commands that may be entered to configure desired LAN network properties.
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicIpAddress
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicNetmask
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicGateway
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicUseDhcp 0
You must reset the RAC using the following command before the new configuration parameters will take effect:
racadm racreset
![]() |
NOTE: If cfgNicEnable is set to 0, the RAC LAN is disabled even if DHCP is enabled. |
The RAC allows up to 16 dial-in (PPP) users to be configured. Before manually adding a dial-in user, you need to know which, if any, dial-in users exist. If the RAC is new, or the racadm racresetcfg command has been run, no dial-in users exist. Also, there will never be default dial-in users (the only default user and password are "root" and "calvin," which are RAC users). The racresetcfg subcommand resets the RAC back to the original defaults.
![]() |
NOTICE: Use caution with this command because all configuration parameters are reset to original defaults; any previous changes are lost. |
![]() |
NOTE: Dial-in users can be added and deleted over time, so it is possible that users on the RAC do not have the same index number as the same user on a different RAC. |
To find out if a dial-in user exists, enter the following command, once for each index of 1 - 16.
racadm getconfig -p -g cfgDialinUsers -i <index>
![]() |
NOTE: An alternate method to obtain this information would be to enter racadm getconfig -f <myfile.cfg>, then simply view or edit myfile.cfg, which will include all RAC configuration parameters. |
Five object IDs are displayed along with their current values. The two objects of interest are:
# cfgDialinUsrIndex=XX
If the cfgDialinUsrPppUserName object has no value, then that index number, which is indicated by the cfgUserAdminIndex object, is available for use. If a name appears after the "=," that index is taken by that user name.
![]() |
NOTE: When you add or remove a dial-in user with the racadm config subcommand, you must specify the index number with the -i option. Observe that the cfgDialinUsrIndex object displayed in the previous example contains a '#' character. Also, if you use the racadm config -f racadm.cfg command to specify any number of groups/objects to write, the index cannot be specified. A new dial-in user is added to the first available index. This behavior allows more flexibility in configuring multiple RACs with the same settings. |
To configure the dial-in user database manually. The dial-in user name and password properties have to be set for the dial-in user. You must also set the callback type. If the callback type is 1 (predefined), the callback phone number must also be supplied. Callback types are: 0=none, 1=predefined, 2=user-specified. The <index> must be from 1 to 16, as 16 dial-in users are supported, and they must be the same in each of the configuration commands.
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrPppUserName -i <index> <username>
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrPppUserPassword -i <index> <password>
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrCallbackType -i <index> <callback type>
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrCallbackNumber - i <index> <phone number>
The following example is sample output for configuring dial-in user number 1, with a predefined callback number.
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrPppUserName -i 1 pppaccount
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrPppUserPassword -i 1 pppaccount
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrCallbackType -i 1 0x1
racadm config -g cfgDialinUsers -o cfgDialinUsrCallbackNumber - i 1 5552222
The RAC allows you to configure up to 16 demand dial-out entries. Before adding a demand dial-out entry, you need to know which, if any, demand dial-out entries exist. If the RAC is new, or the racadm racresetcfg command has been run, no demand dial-out entries exist. The racresetcfg subcommand resets the RAC back to the original defaults.
![]() |
NOTICE: Exercise caution with this command because all configuration parameters are reset to preinstalled settings; any previous changes are lost. |
![]() |
NOTE: Demand dial-out entries can be added and deleted over time, so it is possible that entries on a RAC do not have the same index number as the same entry on a different RAC. |
To find out if a demand dial-out entry exists, enter the following command, once for each index of 1–16:
racadm getconfig -p -g cfgDemandDial -i <index>
![]() |
NOTE: An alternative method to obtain this information would be to enter racadm getconfig -f <myfile.cfg>, then simply view or edit the myfile.cfg, which will include all RAC configuration parameters. |
Six parameters or object IDs are displayed along with their current values. The two objects of interest are:
# cfgDemandDialIndex=XX
If the cfgDemandDialIpAddr object has no value then that index number, which is indicated by the cfgDemandDialIndex object, is available for use. If an IP address appears after the "=," that index is already taken. Also, the index "anchor" for the demand dial-out group is not a name, but an IP address.
![]() |
NOTE: When you add or remove a demand dial-out entry with the racadm config subcommand, you must specify the index number with the -i option. Observe that the cfgDemandDialIndex object displayed in the previous example contains a '#' character. Also, if you use the racadm config -f racadm.cfg command to specify any number of groups/objects to write, that the index cannot be specified. A new demand dial-out entry is added to the first available index. This behavior allows more flexibility in configuring multiple RACs with the same settings. |
The following example writes the five objects necessary to add a demand dial-out entry.
The demand dial-out entry remote user name and remote password properties have to be set to match the RAS user name and password. Additionally, the authentication type must be set. Authentication types are: 0=any (including clear text), 1=CHAP, 2=MSCHAP (MSCHAP is not currently supported).
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i <index> -o cfgDemandDialIpAddr <destination IP address>
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i <index> -o cfgDemandDialPhoneNumber <RAS phone number>
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i <index> -o cfgDemandDialPppUserName <RAS username>
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i <index> -o cfgDemandDialPppPassword <RAS password>
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i <index> -o cfgAuthType <authentication type>
The following example provides sample output for configuring demand dial-out destination number 1, with CHAP authentication.
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i 1 -o cfgDemandDialIpAddr
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i 1 -o cfgDemandDialPhoneNumber 555-1212
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i 1 -o cfgDemandDialPppUserName pppaccount
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i 1 -o cfgDemandDialPppPassword pppaccount
racadm config -g cfgDemandDial -i 1 -o cfgAuthType 2
Two IP addresses are needed for dial-in support: a base address, and the base address incremented by one. If the base address ends with either .254 or .255, the base address will be incremented by three or two, respectively.
The base address has a default value of When the base IP address is set to the default, the setting indicates that the base address will be obtained from cfgDialupDialInDfltIpAddr instead of cfgDialupDialInBaseIpAddr.
The default IP address has a default value of When the default IP address is set to the default, the RAC autogenerates a unique IP address on the network using the MAC address of the RAC NIC.
![]() |
NOTE: The network has been designated as a "private internet" and cannot be passed through gateways onto the actual Internet. |
This address is unique because no two RACs autogenerate the same IP address. However, it is still possible that the autogenerated address can collide with another network node on the network if network nodes exist other than the RAC using the network.
When DHCP is not enabled for dial-in (cfgDialupDialInDhcpEnable is 0), the dial-in base address is obtained from:
![]() |
NOTE: In this situation, the second address required for dial-in is obtained by incrementing the base address. |
When DHCP is enabled for dial-in (cfgDialupDialInDhcpEnable is 1), the two dial-in addresses are obtained from one of the following:
The following example specifies the necessary objects/properties to configure the RAC for PPP communication. See "RAC Property Database Group and Object Definitions" for information about the property database.
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialInEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialOutEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialInDhcpEnable 0
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialInBaseIpAddr <IP Address>
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialInDfltIpAddr <IP Address>
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDiIdleTimeout 0x3c
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDiMaxConnectTime 0x0
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialType 0x1
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupModemInitString AT+GCI=B5
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupModemBaudRate 0x9600
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupModemPort 0x8
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialInAuthType 0x1
racadm config -g cfgDialupNetworking -o cfgDialupDialOutModemConnectTimeout 0x1e
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneDialOutIdleTime 0x28
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneDialOutMaxConnectTime 0x0
The RAC property database is a persistent repository of configuration information that you can modify to achieve specific behavior by the RAC firmware. When you use Server Administrator, Dell OpenManage™ IT Assistant, or the racadm utility to configure the RAC, you are making changes in the property database.
The RAC property database is structured as object groups and objects. Objects represent data types called properties (such as integer properties or boolean properties) that have property values. See "RAC Property Database Group and Object Definitions" for more information about the property database.
The following sections define the user database property members and their default values.
The properties that contain telephone numbers consist of a character string with the characters, as shown in the following table:
All other characters, including a blank space are invalid in the property value, and can cause unpredictable results.
The RAC alert filter scans the alert enable database properties before it scans the event masks. (An event mask is a bit sequence that specifies information about the RAC- or managed-system-generated event, such as the event's origin, type, and severity).
![]() |
NOTE: Throughout this document, objects are always referred to by group name and object name, separated by a space. |
The RAC alert filter operates according to the following general steps:
The alert enable property group ID is cfgUserAdmin. The object IDs are:
If at least one of these object's property values is TRUE, it scans the event masks in the User table.
The following subsections describe the event masks for RAC-generated events and managed-system-generated events defined in the User table and the Trap table.
The cfgUserAdmin cfgUserdminAlertFilter {Rac, Sys} EventMask properties are an unsigned 32-bit integer property that holds the filter information for RAC-generated events. The bit definitions in the following table apply:
where RAC PCI volt sensors provide the filter mask for the following RAC sensors:
where <senMask> has the following bit definitions:
where <bmcMask> has the following bit definitions:
where <miscMask> has the following bit definitions:
the event mask property value to use is 0x02244444. The following command sets this property value:
racadm -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminAlertFilterRacEventMask -i1 0x2244444
the event mask property value to use is 0x00064444. The following command sets this property value:
racadm -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsFilterSysEventMask -i1 0x00064444
The cfgTraps cfgTrapsFilter {Rac, Sys} EventMask properties are an unsigned 32-bit integer property that holds the filter information for managed-system generated events. The bit definitions in the following table apply:
where <senMask> has the following bit definitions:
where <statMask> has the following bit definitions:
The alert filter property group ID is cfgUserAdmin. The object IDs are shown in the following table:
You can test alerts using four test commands. The racadm command has four subcommands that test the different types of alert interfaces. These object ID sets cause the firmware to execute the subcommand with the option that indicates the test alert type to test. The test message is preset in properties for each test alert type. The four types of alerts are numeric, alphanumeric, e-mail, and trap.
The following subsection describes the command interfaces and the operation of the subcommand for each option.
racadm testnumpage –n –i <index>
racadm testnumpage –n –u <username>
Alert Data Definitions
The contents of the cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageNumericMessage string are sent following dialing of the cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageNumericNumber string. Several characters have special meanings. See "Telephone Number Properties."
The special character "S" causes the RAC to fill in the severity of the alert:
The special character "E" causes the RAC to fill in the event type:
The special character "N" causes the RAC to fill in the sensor number for a system event.
For RAC events, the sensors are numbered as follows (DRAC III only):
The special character "I" causes the RAC to fill in the IP address of the NIC in dotted-decimal notation, but without the dots.
"999" is prepended to the cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageNumericMessage object for test pages. The concatenated string is then interpreted as previously described.
racadm testalphapage –a –i <index>
racadm testalphapage –a –u <username>
Alert Data Definitions
The alphanumeric alert contains the following information: message (including test message, if a paging test), event description, date, time, severity, sensor reading, system ID, model, BIOS version, asset tag, service tag, managed system name, operating system type, and operating system name. The following is an example test alphanumeric page:
Subject: Alert from Dell Remote Access Card:
Message: TEST PAGE
Event: Email paging test to user 1
Date: 06-jun-2001
Time: 00:01:37
Severity: Info/Normal
racadm testemail –e –i <index>
racadm testemail –e –u <username>
Alert Data Definitions
The e-mail alert contains the following information: message (including test message, if a paging test), event description, date, time, severity, system ID, model, BIOS version, asset tag, service tag, managed system name, operating system name, and ESM version. The following is an example test e-mail (fields shown are examples only and may not reflect actual observed output for your environment):
Subject: Alert from Dell Remote Access Card:
Message: TEST PAGE
Event: Email paging test to user 1
Date: 06-jun-2001
Time: 00:01:37
Severity: Info/Normal
System ID: Bbn
Model: Dell PowerEdge 7150
BIOS version: A00
Asset tag: 181676
Service tag: 6X713
Hostname: P2-750-08
OS Name: Linux 7.1 for the Itanium Processor
ESM Version: 1.3
racadm testtrap –t –i <trap index>
Alert Data Definitions
The "alertMessage" string (up to 1 KB) provides the specific information describing the cause and specific source of the event, which includes:
For more information, see the Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide.
One of the major features of the racadm utility is the ability to configure the RAC using a configuration file. The racadm utility parses the RAC configuration file, called racadm.cfg, and then sends individual configuration requests to one or more RACs.
This method may be used to configure multiple RAC database properties. You must first run the racadm utility to query a configured RAC for its database properties, which are accessed using their object group IDs and object IDs. The racadm utility creates the racadm.cfg file from the retrieved information. You can then configure other cards with the same database information by exporting this file out to the other RACs.
![]() |
NOTE: Some configuration files contain unique RAC information (such as static IP address) that must be modified before configuring other cards. |
The following are the general steps for this procedure:
The getconfig –f racadm.cfg subcommand requests the configuration of the RAC and generates a racadm.cfg file (you can choose any name for this file).
![]() |
NOTE: The generated .cfg file does not contain user passwords. |
Other options for getconfig enable you to perform such actions as:
The config subcommand loads the information into other RACs. Other options for config enable you to perform such actions as:
The initial configuration file, racadm.cfg, is named by the user. In the following example, the configuration file is named myfile.cfg. To obtain this file, type the following command at the command prompt:
racadm getconfig –f myfile.cfg
![]() |
NOTICE: It is recommended that you edit this file with a simple text editor; the racadm utility uses an ASCII text parser, and any formatting confuses the parser and might corrupt the racadm database. |
The following example describes the IP address of the RAC. Remove all unnecessary <variable>=value entries. In this situation, only the actual variable group's label with "[" and "]" will remain along with the two <variable>=value entries pertaining to the IP address change.
The file contents are as follows:
# Object Group "cfgLanNetworking"
This file will be updated as follows:
# Object Group "cfgLanNetworking"
# comment, the rest of this line is ignored
The command racadm config –f myfile.cfg parses this file and identifies any errors by line number. A correct file will update the proper entries. You may use the same getconfig command used in the previous example to confirm the update.
You can use this file to download company-wide changes or to configure new systems over the network.