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Line Commands:
Dell™ PowerEdge™ 1655MC Integrated Switch User's Guide











show line

You can access the onboard configuration program by attaching a VT100 compatible device to the switch’s RJ-11 serial port. These commands are used to set communication parameters for the serial port or a virtual terminal. Note that Telnet is considered a virtual terminal connection, and the only commands that apply to Telnet include exec-timeout and password-thresh.


Use this command to identify a specific line for configuration, and to process subsequent line configuration commands.


line {console | vty}

Default Setting

There is no default line.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage


To enter console line mode, enter the following command:

(config)#line console

Related Commands

show line
show users


Use this command to enable password checking at login. Use the no form to disable password checking and allow connections without a password.


login [local]
no login

local - Selects local password checking. Authentication is based on the user name specified with the username command.

Default Setting

By default, virtual terminals require a password. If you do not set a password for a virtual terminal, it will respond to attempted connections by displaying an error message and closing the connection.

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

If you specify login without the local option, authentication is based on the password specified with the password line configuration command.


(config-line)#login local

Related Commands



Use this command to specify the password for a line. Use the no form to remove the password.


password {0 | 7} password
no password

Default Setting

No password is specified.

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

When a connection is started on a line with password protection, the system prompts for the password. If you enter the correct password, the system shows a prompt. You can use the password-thresh command to set the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before the system terminates the line connection and returns the terminal to the idle state.


(config-line)#password 0 secret

Related Commands



Use this command to set the interval that the system waits until user input is detected. Use the no form to remove the timeout definition.


exec-timeout seconds
no exec-timeout

seconds - Integer that specifies the number of seconds. (Range: 0 - 65535 seconds; 0: no timeout)

Default Setting

No timeout

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage


To set the timeout to two minutes, enter this command:

(config-line)#exec-timeout 120


Use the password-thresh to set the password intrusion threshold which limits the number of failed logon attempts. Use the no form to remove the threshold value.


password-thresh threshold
no password-thresh

threshold - The number of allowed password attempts. (Range: 1-120; 0: no threshold)

Default Setting

The default value is three attempts.

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage


To set the password threshold to five attempts, enter this command:

(config-line)#password-thresh 5

Related Commands



Use this command to set the amount of time the management console is inaccessible after the number of unsuccessful logon attempts exceeds the threshold set by the password-thresh command. Use the no form to remove the silent time value.


silent-time time
no silent-time

time - The number of seconds to disable console response. (Range: 0-65535; 0: no silent time)

Default Setting

The default value is no silent time.

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

If the password threshold was not set with the password-thresh command, silent-time begins after the default value of three failed logon attempts.


To set the silent time to 60 seconds, enter this command:

(config-line)#silent-time 60

Related Commands



Use this command to set the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and generated by the console port. Use the no form to restore the default value.


databits {7 | 8}
no databits

Default Setting

8 data bits per character

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

The databits command can be used to mask the high bit on input from devices that generate 7 data bits with parity. If parity is being generated, specify 7 data bits per character. If no parity is required, specify 8 data bits per character.


To specify 7 data bits, enter this command:

(config-line)#databits 7

Related Commands



Use this command to define generation of a parity bit. Use the no form to restore the default setting.


parity {none | even | odd}
no parity

Default Setting

No parity

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

Communication protocols provided by devices such as terminals and modems often require a specific parity bit setting.


To specify no parity, enter this command:

(config-line)#parity none


Use this command to set the terminal line's baud rate. This command sets both the transmit (to terminal) and receive (from terminal) speeds. Use the no form to restore the default setting.


speed bps
no speed

bps - Baud rate in bits per second. (Options: 9600, 57600, 38400, 19200, 115200 bps)

Default Setting

9600 bps

Command Mode

Line Configuration

Command Usage

Set the speed to match the baud rate of the device connected to the serial port. Some baud rates available on devices connected to the port might not be supported. The system indicates if the speed you selected is not supported.


To specify 57600 bps, enter this command:

(config-line)#speed 57600


Use this command to set the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte. Use the no form to restore the default setting.


stopbits {1 | 2}

Default Setting

1 stop bit

Command Mode

Line Configuration


To specify 2 stop bits, enter this command:

(config-line)#stopbits 2

show line

Use this command to display the terminal line's parameters.


show line [console | vty]

Default Setting

Show all lines

Command Mode

Normal Exec, Privileged Exec


To show all lines, enter this command:

#show line
 Console configuration:
  Password threshold: 3 times
  Interactive timeout: Disabled
  Silent time: Disabled
  Baudrate: 9600
  Databits: 8
  Parity: none
  Stopbits: 1

 Vty configuration:
  Password threshold: 3 times
  Interactive timeout: 65535

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