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VLAN/VLAN Membership Page:
Dell™ PowerEdge™ 1655MC Integrated Switch User's Guide

VLAN Membership

In the VLAN Membership page, you define VLAN groups. The following options are available:

The VLAN tagging option is a standard set by the IEEE to facilitate the spanning of VLANs across multiple switches. For more information, see Using VLANs or the IEEE Std 802.1Q-1998 Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks.

To save any changes you make in this page, click Apply Changes. To reset these fields to their current value, click Refresh.

The following tasks can be completed from this page:

Add VLAN Group

  1. Under the Show VLAN drop-down menu, select Add a new VLAN.
  2. Complete the VLAN Name and VLAN ID fields.
  3. Add VLAN members.
    See Add VLAN Membership for more information.
  4. Click Apply Changes.

Remove VLAN Group

  1. Under the Show VLAN drop-down menu, select the VLAN you want to remove.
  2. Check the Remove VLAN box for the VLAN you want to remove.
  3. Click Apply Changes.

Add VLAN Membership

  1. Under the Show VLAN drop-down menu, select the VLAN you want to edit.
  2. Change the VLAN member by clicking on the port icon until the desired state [T (tagged) or U (untagged)] or blank appears.
  3. Click Apply Changes.

Remove VLAN Membership

  1. Under the Show VLAN drop-down menu, select the VLAN you want to edit.
  2. Change the VLAN member by clicking on the port icon until the desired state (blank) appears.
  3. Click Apply Changes.
CLI Commands

The following is a summary of the equivalent CLI commands for items in the VLAN/VLAN Membership web page.

Command Usage
vlan database Use this command to enter VLAN database mode. (LINK)
vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media ethernet [state {suspend | active}] Use this command to configure a VLAN. Use the no form to restore the default or delete a VLAN. (LINK)
interface vlan vlan-id Use this command to enter interface configuration mode for VLANs, and configure a physical interface. (LINK)
switchport allowed vlan {add vlan-list [tagged | untagged] | remove vlan-list} Use this command to configure untagged and tagged ports. (LINK)
switchport forbidden vlan {add vlan-list | remove vlan-list} Use this command to configure forbidden VLANs for a port. (LINK)
show vlan [id vlan-id | name vlan-name] Use this command to show VLAN information. (LINK)


(config)#vlan database
(config-vlan)#vlan 105 name RD5 media ethernet
(config)#interface vlan 105
(config-if)#ip address
(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 105 tagged
(config)#interface ethernet 1/10
(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 105 tagged
#show vlan id 105
VLAN Type    Name             Status    Ports/Channel groups
---- ------- ---------------- --------- ----------------------------------------
   1  Static      DefaultVlan    Active Eth1/ 1 Eth1/10

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