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Spanning Tree/Bridge Settings Page:
Dell™ PowerEdge™ 1655MC Integrated Switch User's Guide

Bridge Settings

From the Bridge Settings page, you can enable and configure the Spanning Tree.

The following information is displayed in the Spanning Tree table:

The following options are available in the Attribute table:

To save any changes you make in this page for the current session, click Apply Changes. To reset these fields to their current value, click Refresh.

CLI Commands

The following is a summary of the equivalent CLI commands for items in the Spanning Tree/Bridge Settings web page.

Command Usage
bridge bridge-group spanning-tree Use this command to enable the spanning tree algorithm globally for the switch. Use the no form to disable it. (LINK)
bridge bridge-group forward-time seconds Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge forward time globally for the switch. (LINK)
bridge bridge-group hello-time time Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge hello time globally for the switch. (LINK)
bridge bridge-group max-age seconds Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge maximum age globally for the switch. (LINK)
bridge bridge-group priority priority Use this command to configure the spanning tree priority globally for the switch. (LINK)
show bridge group bridge-group [interface] Use this command to show the spanning tree configuration. (LINK)


(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree
(config)#bridge 1 forward-time 20
(config)#bridge 1 hello-time 5
(config)#bridge 1 max-age 40
(config)#bridge 1 priority 40000
#show bridge group 1 ethernet 1/10
Bridge-group information
 Spanning tree protocol :ieee8021d
 Spanning tree enable/disable :enable
 Priority :32768
 Hello Time (sec.) :2
 Max Age (sec.) :20
 Forward Delay (sec.) :15
 Designated Root :32768.0000e9000066
 Current root :0
 Current root cost :0
 Number of topology changes :1
 Last topology changes time (sec.):2167
 Hold times (sec.) :1
Port 1/10 information
 Status :enable
 State :broken
 Path cost :4
 Priority :128
 Designated cost :0
 Designated port :128.11
 Designated root :32768.0000e9000066
 Designated bridge :32768.0000e9000066
 Fast forwarding :disable
 Forward transitions :0

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