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Spanning Tree Commands:
Dell™ PowerEdge™ 1655MC Integrated Switch User's Guide

Global Configuration -

bridge spanning-tree 

bridge forward-time 

bridge hello-time 

bridge max-age 

bridge priority 

Interface Configuration -

bridge-group path-cost

bridge-group priority 

bridge-group portfast

Privileged Exec -

show bridge group 

This section includes commands that configure Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for the overall switch or for the selected interface.

bridge spanning-tree

Use this command to enable the spanning tree protocol globally for this switch. Use the no form to disable it.


bridge bridge-group spanning-tree
no bridge bridge-group spanning-tree

bridge-group - Bridge group index (bridge 1).

Default Setting

Spanning tree is enabled.

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

The Spanning Tree Protocol can be used to detect and disable network loops, and to provide backup links between switches, bridges or routers. This allows the switch to interact with other bridging devices (that is, an STP-compliant switch, bridge or router) in your network to ensure that only one route exists between any two stations on the network, and provide backup links which automatically take over when a primary link goes down.


The following example shows how to enable the spanning tree protocol for this switch:

(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree

bridge forward-time

Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge forward time globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge bridge-group forward-time seconds
no bridge bridge-group forward-time

Default Setting

15 seconds

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) the root device will wait before changing states (i.e., listening to learning to forwarding). This delay is required because every device must receive information about topology changes before it starts to forward frames. In addition, each port needs time to listen for conflicting information that would make it return to a blocking state; otherwise, temporary data loops might result.


(config)#bridge 1 forward-time 20

bridge hello-time

Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge hello time globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge bridge-group hello-time time
no bridge bridge-group hello-time

Default Setting

2 seconds

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

This command sets the time interval (in seconds) at which the root device transmits a configuration message.


(config)#bridge 1 hello-time 5

bridge max-age

Use this command to configure the spanning tree bridge maximum age globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge bridge-group max-age seconds
no bridge bridge-group max-age

Default Setting

20 seconds

Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) a device can wait without receiving a configuration message before attempting to reconfigure. All device ports (except for designated ports) should receive configuration messages at regular intervals. Any port that ages out STP information (provided in the last configuration message) becomes the designated port for the attached LAN. If it is a root port, a new root port is selected from among the device ports attached to the network.


(config)#bridge 1 max-age 40

bridge priority

Use this command to configure the spanning tree priority globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge bridge-group priority priority
no bridge bridge-group priority

Default Setting


Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

Bridge priority is used in selecting the root device, root port, and designated port. The device with the highest priority becomes the STP root device. However, if all devices have the same priority, the device with the lowest MAC address will then become the root device.


(config)#bridge 1 priority 40000

bridge-group path-cost

Use this command to configure the spanning tree path cost for the specified interface. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge-group bridge-group path-cost cost
no bridge-group bridge-group path-cost

Default Setting

The default is:
- Ethernet – half duplex: 100; full duplex: 95; trunk: 90
- Fast Ethernet – half duplex: 19; full duplex: 18; trunk: 15
- Gigabit Ethernet – full duplex: 4; trunk: 3

Command Mode

Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port Channel)

Command Usage


(config)#interface ethernet 1/5
(config-if)#bridge-group 1 path-cost 50

bridge-group priority

Use this command to configure the priority for the specified interface. Use the no form to restore the default.


bridge-group bridge-group priority priority
no bridge-group bridge-group priority

Default Setting


Command Mode

Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port Channel)

Command Usage


(config)#interface ethernet 1/5
(config-if)#bridge-group 1 priority 0

bridge-group portfast

Use this command to set an interface to fast forwarding. Use the no form to disable fast forwarding.


bridge-group bridge-group portfast
no bridge-group bridge-group portfast

bridge-group - Bridge group index (bridge 1).

Default Setting

- Port 1-6: enabled
- Port 7-11: disabled

Command Mode

Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port Channel)

Command Usage


(config)#interface ethernet 1/5
(config-if)#bridge-group 1 portfast

show bridge group

Use this command to show the spanning tree configuration.


show bridge group bridge-group [interface]

Default Setting


Command Mode

Privileged Exec


#show bridge group 1 ethernet 1/11
Bridge-group information
 Spanning tree protocol           :ieee8021d
 Spanning tree enable/disable     :enable
 Priority                         :32768
 Hello Time (sec.)                :2
 Max Age (sec.)                   :20
 Forward Delay (sec.)             :15
 Designated Root                  :32768.0000e8000002
 Current root                     :0
 Current root cost                :0
 Number of topology changes       :3
 Last topology changes time (sec.):267
 Hold times (sec.)                :1
Eth 1/11 information
 Status              :enable
 State               :broken
 Path cost           :4
 Priority            :128
 Designated cost     :0
 Designated port     :128.11
 Designated root     :32768.0000e8000002
 Designated bridge   :32768.0000e8000002
 Fast forwarding     :disable
 Forward transitions :0

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