The following NetWare* keywords apply to the NetWare iANS driver.
NOTE: Always type IANS before the keyword and always
include the team number in the command line if more than one team exists. |
See also Examples files for usage.
Parameter |
Description | ||||||||||||
HELP or -h -h<keyword> |
Used alone, this command shows a list of all known iANS keywords. If it is followed by a keyword, a specific help message is displayed for that keyword. | ||||||||||||
STATUS | Displays the status of the team. If more than one team exists, the team name must be included. | ||||||||||||
NAME | Gives user the ability to set a unique string identifier for each virtual adapter (team or VLAN). | ||||||||||||
TEAM | Assigns unique numeric identifier for each virtual adapter (team or
VLAN). The number can be user assigned or machine generated. Range: 0-9999 Default: 1 and increments by one |
MODE | Sets the teaming type for the given team. Modes: AFT | ALB | SFT | FEC | GEC | AD Default: AFT
BIND | Matches physical adapters to specific drivers and virtual adapters to protocols. | ||||||||||||
COMMIT | Used after binding all underlying base drivers as team members before binding to the protocol. | ||||||||||||
RECOMMIT | Used to dynamically add members or VLANs to an existing team. | ||||||||||||
REMOVETEAM | Used to remove any team by number except the last team. | ||||||||||||
PRIMARY | Allows user to set the primary adapter. If not specified, the default is the first team member. | ||||||||||||
SECONDARY | Allows user to set the secondary adapter. | ||||||||||||
NO_DEFAULT_PRIMARY | Allows user to block to software from choosing the first team member as the primary. | ||||||||||||
SMPMODE | Enables SMP awareness. Use only on first load ians line. Values: SMP | NONSMP Default: Matches the machine |
TX_ECBS_TO_USE | Sets the number of ECBs (buffers) in RAM for each virtual adapter
(team or VLAN). Range: 0-9999 Default: 64 Use on load line. |
MAX_TX_QUEUE | Sets the depth of the transmit queues. Range: 0-9999 Default: 1000 |
RESET LBN | Resets a particular virtual adapter (logical board number). | ||||||||||||
DELAY | Sets the time interval, in minutes, before actual commit. Range: 0-5 Default: 0 |
The following commands are specific to certain team modes. Probe settings are only applicable in AFT, ALB, and SFT modes.
When setting intervals for different probe commands, please note that a "tic" is a unit of time equal to 110 milliseconds.
NOTE: Always include the team number in the command line if more than one team exists. |
Parameter |
Description |
VLANID | Creates a virtual adapter with a specific VLAN number (must match
network). Range: 1-4095 |
REMOVEVLANID | Removes the set VLANID |
PROBES | Allows checking for link state between team members (optional). Only
for AFT, ALB, or SFT teams of more than 1 adapter using ETHERNET_II or
PROBE_RETRY_COUNT | Number of times probes will be resent before deciding the link is
down Range: 0-9999 Default: 7 |
PROBE_BURST_SIZE | Number of back to back probes to send (to attempt to get through heavy
traffic). Range: 1-9999 Default: 3 |
PROBE_SET_DEFAULT | Resets all probe-related parameters except PROBES. |
PROBE_SEND_INTERVAL | Sets the time interval between probe transmissions. Range: 4 - 9998 Default: 18 tics |
PROBE_CHECK_INTERVAL | Sets the time interval between probe checks (returns). Range: 0 - 9998 Default: 2 tics |
PROBE_RECHECK_INTERVAL | Sets the time interval between probe checks during retries. Range: 0 - 9998 Default: 2 tics |
BALANCE_INTERVAL | Sets the amount of time between load balance checks (not AFT). Range: 18-1080 Default: 180 tics |
STFORWARD_DELAY | Sets the SFT failover delay for SFT mode. Should be the max spanning tree forward delay for the switches connected to the server. Range: 0-255 Default: 15 |
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