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8 Combining Work and Efficiency


We now propose a new scheduling strategy that is designed to take into account both the efficiency of a job and its work. This algorithm has evolved from our observations that there are two main characteristics that contribute to the response time of a parallel application, the remaining work, tex2html_wrap_inline825 , and the efficiency with which that work can be executed, tex2html_wrap_inline777 , and that policies based on using either one of these characteristics in isolation are unable to significantly reduce mean response times over the wide range of potential workloads considered. While it may be desirable to give less processing power to jobs that execute large amounts of work, in order to prevent them from delaying jobs that execute smaller amounts of work, it is also necessary to consider the efficiency with which each job can utilize the allocated processors.

We use a two-phased algorithm to determine the number of processors, tex2html_wrap_inline813 , to allocate to each job tex2html_wrap_inline815 . Our strategy is to maintain a sorted list of jobs in the system (sorted by increasing tex2html_wrap_inline825 ). This ordered list is used to prevent short jobs from being stuck behind large jobs. Jobs are considered for activation in this order and are assigned tex2html_wrap_inline1237 processors, where tex2html_wrap_inline1237 is determined by considering the efficiency with which they execute. During this first phase jobs are assigned processors until either all P processors have been assigned or until all jobs have been activated. If all jobs have been activated and all P processors have not been assigned a second phase is performed which assigns the remaining processors to activated jobs. A number of different assignment policies are possible for the first and second phases. In this paper we focus our investigation on policies for the first phase, since we believe that the number of unassigned processors left for the second phase will be relatively small (especially under workloads with relatively high loads -- assuming the average efficiency is not unreasonably low). The policy used for the second phase divides the remaining processors equally among the active jobs (since this is a safe approach).

An obvious strategy to use in the first phase is to assign processors to each job according to the knee of the execution time - efficiency profile ( tex2html_wrap_inline1245 ). Unfortunately, this approach has an important drawback: tex2html_wrap_inline777 is greater than P for jobs with relatively low efficiency. In fact, for P = 100 processors, tex2html_wrap_inline1253 for all tex2html_wrap_inline1255 . This may be due to the execution rate function used. However, no matter what execution rate function is used there are likely to be some jobs whose communication and synchronization overhead is relatively small and therefore execute with high efficiency. In these cases their knee will be greater than the number of processors in the system. For such jobs the knee must be mapped into a number of processors tex2html_wrap_inline1257 . In future work we plan to consider alternative execution rate functions and to investigate the importance of appropriate mappings. One way to avoid this problem is to simply assign tex2html_wrap_inline1259 processors, rather than tex2html_wrap_inline777 . However, this approach will allocate all P processors to any job for which tex2html_wrap_inline1255 . As expected, experiments showed that this approach did not perform well for workloads with high average efficiency, tex2html_wrap_inline1267 . For example, using this policy to execute a workload with tex2html_wrap_inline979 , tex2html_wrap_inline849 = 50-99%, and a load of 90% yields a mean response time that is 27% higher than obtained using equipartition. Therefore, we require a function that more evenly maps the range, tex2html_wrap_inline777 , to the domain, tex2html_wrap_inline1237 .

We start by considering an alternate, simple and obvious mapping, tex2html_wrap_inline1277 . The advantage of this policy is that only jobs with high efficiency will be allocated a large number of processors. Also, as the average efficiency of the workload increases this algorithm asymptotically behaves optimally (i.e., if all jobs execute with perfect efficiency they would be executed in a LRWF fashion). We call the general form of our algorithm tex2html_wrap_inline801 (Work and Efficiency). The form that uses tex2html_wrap_inline1245 we call tex2html_wrap_inline1283 , and the form that uses tex2html_wrap_inline1285 we call tex2html_wrap_inline797 .

We have conducted a series of experiments to compare tex2html_wrap_inline797 with equipartition. The results of these experiments are shown in Figure 6. These experiments were conducted using arrival rates that produced loads of approximately 30% and 90% respectively. An arrival rate was determined using tex2html_wrap_inline797 and was then used for equipartition. Each bar shown in these graphs represents the mean response time of tex2html_wrap_inline797 , normalized with respect to the mean response time of equipartition (represented by the dotted line, EQUI). The workload for each experiment is specified below the x-axis by displaying the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline789 and the range tex2html_wrap_inline1297 .

As expected under low loads (30%), the reductions in mean response time obtained by using tex2html_wrap_inline797 instead of equipartition are relatively small, but statistically significant. Again, this is because of the relatively low degree of multiprogramming, which reduces the allocation alternatives. Under this load equipartition is relatively robust since the maximum observed improvement is about 15%. As seen by the results obtained when a load of 90% is used, if the degree of multiprogramming is increased, the size of the reductions in mean response times increases.

Figure 6: Mean response time of tex2html_wrap_inline797 for different workloads, normalized with respect to EQUI

In the next series of experiments (shown in Figure 7) we consider additional ranges of efficiency values by also considering tex2html_wrap_inline1303 75-99% and 99-99%. These values are considered to emphasize that as the average efficiency of the jobs increases, the behaviour of our tex2html_wrap_inline797 policy approaches that of an optimal algorithm. This can be seen by comparing the improvements obtained in these graphs with those obtained in Section 4. These ranges demonstrate the substantial reductions in mean response time that are possible when the average efficiency of the jobs is high and illustrate how the size of these reductions grows with increases in average efficiency.

Additionally we study the affect that the variation in job efficiencies, tex2html_wrap_inline1307 , might have on our results. This is done by fixing a mean efficiency and examining different efficiency ranges. We choose a fixed mean of 50%, since it offers the greatest potential variation for our distribution and compare the ranges 1-99%, 30-70%, and 50-50% (which produce tex2html_wrap_inline1307 of 0.57, 0.23, and 0.0 respectively). The results in Figure 7 show that as the variation in efficiencies decreases, the mean response time obtained using tex2html_wrap_inline797 increases substantially when compared with equipartition.

Figure 7: Mean response time of tex2html_wrap_inline797 for different workloads, normalized with respect to EQUI

Next we conducted a series of experiments in order to determine if this increase is because the general method, tex2html_wrap_inline801 , is unable to handle workloads with low variation in efficiency or because the number of processors allocated during the first phase could be improved. We started by experimentally testing whether or not a value of tex2html_wrap_inline1237 could be found that improved the mean response time for the range 50-50% (under a load of 90%). We found that by using the value tex2html_wrap_inline1319 , we were able to produce mean response times that were lower than those obtained using equipartition. Further investigation found that for low and high efficiency ranges (e.g., 1-20% and 80-99%) allocating tex2html_wrap_inline849 processors produced response times lower than for equipartition. Using these results we developed a simple assignment policy that we hoped would uniformly produce mean response times equal to or lower than equipartition.

This new policy (or mapping) was derived from our observations that tex2html_wrap_inline1285 performed reasonably well for tex2html_wrap_inline1325 and for tex2html_wrap_inline1327 and that tex2html_wrap_inline1319 performed well for the workload with the efficiency range 50-50%. Therefore, we (naively) chose a piecewise linear function as the basis for a new variation of our algorithm. This variation is called tex2html_wrap_inline803 and is described below. The different forms of the tex2html_wrap_inline801 algorithm are shown in Figure 8. Algorithmically this function is described (for P = 100) as follows:


As shown in Figure 8, when tex2html_wrap_inline1337 , there is a large difference between the number of processors allocated using tex2html_wrap_inline1283 (i.e., using the knee) and using either tex2html_wrap_inline797 or tex2html_wrap_inline803 . This seems to indicate that under these job and workload models, processor allocations in a dynamic scheduling environment might be better made at a point much lower than the knee.

Figure 8: Different allocation policies considered for tex2html_wrap_inline801

The results of using this policy, tex2html_wrap_inline803 , for a wide variety of workloads are shown in Figure 9. These experiments show that this policy does produce mean response times that are at least as good as, and are in many cases substantially better than, those obtained with the equipartition policy. This policy therefore performs better across the variety of workloads considered than the tex2html_wrap_inline1283 , the tex2html_wrap_inline797 and the equipartition policies. This suggests that in a dynamic scheduling environment, it may not be desirable to allocate processors according to the knee of the execution time - efficiency profile (especially if a wide variety of workloads are possible). (We plan to further investigate other factors, such as the load, the execution rate function, and the distribution used to generate the efficiency for each job.)

In the case when a load of 90% is used, the largest improvement seen is approximately 70%. A general trend that can be seen by examining the ranges 1-50%, 50-99%, 75-99% and 99-99% in this graph, is that the size of the reductions obtained by using tex2html_wrap_inline803 increases as the average efficiency increases. It also seems that the size of the reduction is correlated with the coefficient of variation of work, tex2html_wrap_inline789 , especially when the load and average efficiency of the jobs is relatively high. We also point out again that the reductions in mean response time are larger for the workload whose range of efficiency is 1-99% than for the range 30-70% even though the mean efficiency has not changed.

Figure 9: Mean response time of tex2html_wrap_inline803 for different workloads, normalized with respect to EQUI

Although the tex2html_wrap_inline803 algorithm can very likely be improved, since it was chosen naively, these experiments demonstrate that the tex2html_wrap_inline801 strategy is an attractive approach to using job characteristics to make processor allocation decisions in a dynamic scheduling environment. If the number of processors to assign during the first phase of the algorithm is chosen properly, this method can produce mean response times that are significantly lower than those obtained by using equipartition across a wide variety of workloads. As well, the improvements are greater than those that can be obtained using only characteristics of work, tex2html_wrap_inline825 , or efficiency, tex2html_wrap_inline777 , in isolation. We believe that these results demonstrate the importance of using job characteristics correctly as well as the need for allocation policies that effectively use characteristics of both work and efficiency.

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Tim Brecht
Thu Jul 24 14:20:29 EDT 1997