CS 854: Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
Experimental Performance Evaluation
Fall 2022
Course Project and Paper
You must works in groups of 2, 3 or 4.
Individual course projects are not permitted.
In earlier offerings of this course, people that have worked individually
have not had very good success. It's important to have other
people to look critically at the work, to bounce ideas off of and to help
keep the workload manageable.
Think about the size and scope of the project, the backgrounds
and skill sets of potential group members and form your group wisely.
The size of the group and topic must be approved by the instructor.
The project paper will be due on the last day of classes.
After all projects are submitted each student will read and provide a
conference style review of some subset of the papers.
This will be
followed by a meeting that takes the form of a program committee meeting.
NOTE: This meeting takes place one week after the last day of classes
and I am hopeful you will attend. In the past students have
reported that they found the extra meeting extremely helpful.
All projects and groups must be approved.
Project Proposal
At some point you will be required to do a project proposal.
Below are some things you should think about
and a template for that proposal. The proposal
will be done in the form of a PDF slide presentation.
I'm not sure if they will be presented live yet or if
they will just be sent to me for marking.
Please use *** exactly 8 slides *** containing the information
shown below for each slide.
Use large fonts as you would with a normal
You do not have to cover all the points or only the points
listed for each slide (there probably won't be space to
cover all of the points for some slides).
They are meant to provide quidelines.
You will submit a PDF copy of your slides.
- Slide 1:
Project Working Title
Project Group Members
- Slide 2: The Problem Statement, Idea or Hypothesis.
What problem is being studied or addressed.
It may not be necessarily have to be a new idea.
- Slide 3: Motivation.
Why is this problem, idea, or hypothesis interesting?
Why should anyone care?
Who cares?
What impact will it have?
- Slide 4: Related Work
What work has been done related to your topic?
Why and how is that work considered related?
How is what you will do different and similar?
Why should your work be published given the existence
of the related work?
- Slide 5: Goals/Objectives
What is it you are going to do?
How can you or anyone else tell if you've reached your goals?
- Slide 6: Apparatus
What hardware/software is required?
Do you have access to the facilities that are required?
- Slide 7: Methodology
How will you demonstrate that your goals have been met?
How will you evaluate your idea or hypthesis?
What will be the performance metric(s)?
Will you do any statistical analysis of your results? What type?
How long do you think it will take to conduct your experiments.
- Slide 8: Milestones
- Short Term
Things that will definitely get done.
- Medium Term
Things you'd like to get done if things go well.
- Long Term
Things that will get done if everything goes really well.
Think about a proposal for which you can get all
of a) and possibly some of b) done.
Project Logistics
The Project / Paper Logistics (THIS MAY CHANGE)
Last modified:
Fri Oct 21 15:47:22 EDT 2022