Graph-Theoretic Algorithms
Spring 2024

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Assignments in this course are unusual in that they are mostly instruments to get you and me talking with each other with ease (i.e., prepare you for the final). Read over the questions (many are taken from the lecture notes) and (obviously) think about a solution. But also think about what the question doesn't ask. What would happen if you dropped some of the statement or implicit assumptions (e.g. the graph is simple, connected, n≥3)? What are related question (what is the answer for similar problems, or for similar graph class)?

  1. Assignment 1 in PDF, due May 27, 2024.
  2. Assignment 2 in PDF, due June 10, 2024 extended to June 17, 2024 .
  3. Assignment 3 in PDF, due June 26, 2024.
(Links should get enabled at least two weeks before the due date.)

To answer an assignment, email me for setting up a 1-on-1 meeting with me (plan for 30 minutes per assignment). I will pick one of the assignment questions. Explain your answer to me (orally, though you may bring notes), and I may also well ask related course material. Time permitting, we may cover more assignment questions, up to 30 minutes. Credit will be given mostly for quality of explanation for the questions that we did have time for.

All assignments are optional. Any assignment-credit that you do not get automatically transfers to the final exam. Assignment-meetings should have happened by the due date listed above; the material for all questions should have been covered by about a week earlier.

Should enrollment in cs762 be higher than expected, then assignments may get shifted to be written instead. This will be decided by mid-May.

Webmaster: biedl-at-uwaterloo-dot-ca
Last modified: 06/09/2024