Todo List
File debug.h
we should put vector printing elsewhere.
Global FFPACK::LUdivine (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG Diag, const FFLAS::FFLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, const size_t M, const size_t N, typename Field::Element_ptr A, const size_t lda, size_t *P, size_t *Q, const FFPACK::FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag, const size_t cutoff)
std::swap ?
Global FFPACK::Protected::RandomKrylovPrecond (const PolRing &PR, std::list< typename PolRing::Element > &completedFactors, const size_t N, typename PolRing::Domain_t::Element_ptr A, const size_t lda, size_t &Nb, typename PolRing::Domain_t::Element_ptr &B, size_t &ldb, typename PolRing::Domain_t::RandIter &g, const size_t degree=__FFLASFFPACK_ARITHPROG_THRESHOLD)

don't assing K2 c*noc x N but only mas (c,noc) x N and store each one after the other

swap to save space ??

Module field
Module MMalgos
Module simd