Namespaces | Macros | Functions
ffpack_echelonforms.inl File Reference


 Finite Field PACK Set of elimination based routines for dense linear algebra.


#define __FFLASFFPACK_ffpack_echelon_forms_INL


template<class Field >
void getTriangular (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, typename Field::ConstElement_ptr A, const size_t lda, typename Field::Element_ptr T, const size_t ldt, const bool OnlyNonZeroVectors=false)
 Extracts a triangular matrix from a compact storage A=L\U of rank R. More...
template<class Field >
void getTriangular (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, typename Field::Element_ptr A, const size_t lda)
 Cleans up a compact storage A=L\U to reveal a triangular matrix of rank R. More...
void PLUQtoEchelonPermutation (const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, size_t *outPerm)
 Auxiliary routine: determines the permutation that changes a PLUQ decomposition into a echelon form revealing PLUQ decomposition. More...
template<class Field >
void getEchelonForm (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, typename Field::ConstElement_ptr A, const size_t lda, typename Field::Element_ptr T, const size_t ldt, const bool OnlyNonZeroVectors=false, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Extracts a matrix in echelon form from a compact storage A=L\U of rank R obtained by RowEchelonForm or ColumnEchelonForm. More...
template<class Field >
void getEchelonForm (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, typename Field::Element_ptr A, const size_t lda, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Cleans up a compact storage A=L\U obtained by RowEchelonForm or ColumnEchelonForm to reveal an echelon form of rank R. More...
template<class Field >
void getEchelonTransform (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const FFLAS::FFLAS_DIAG diag, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, const size_t *Q, typename Field::ConstElement_ptr A, const size_t lda, typename Field::Element_ptr T, const size_t ldt, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Extracts a transformation matrix to echelon form from a compact storage A=L\U of rank R obtained by RowEchelonForm or ColumnEchelonForm. More...
template<class Field >
void getReducedEchelonForm (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, typename Field::ConstElement_ptr A, const size_t lda, typename Field::Element_ptr T, const size_t ldt, const bool OnlyNonZeroVectors=false, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Extracts a matrix in echelon form from a compact storage A=L\U of rank R obtained by ReducedRowEchelonForm or ReducedColumnEchelonForm with transform = true. More...
template<class Field >
void getReducedEchelonForm (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, typename Field::Element_ptr A, const size_t lda, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Cleans up a compact storage A=L\U of rank R obtained by ReducedRowEchelonForm or ReducedColumnEchelonForm with transform = true. More...
template<class Field >
void getReducedEchelonTransform (const Field &F, const FFLAS::FFLAS_UPLO Uplo, const size_t M, const size_t N, const size_t R, const size_t *P, const size_t *Q, typename Field::ConstElement_ptr A, const size_t lda, typename Field::Element_ptr T, const size_t ldt, const FFPACK_LU_TAG LuTag=FfpackSlabRecursive)
 Extracts a transformation matrix to echelon form from a compact storage A=L\U of rank R obtained by RowEchelonForm or ColumnEchelonForm. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __FFLASFFPACK_ffpack_echelon_forms_INL

#define __FFLASFFPACK_ffpack_echelon_forms_INL