I am a PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence at University of Waterloo, Canada. My research supervisor is Dr. Jesse Hoey
I am a member of Artificial Intelligence lab, Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC), Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), International Conference on Cognitive Modeling and Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) Toronto Machine Learning Society (TMLS) My research interests: artificial intelligence, affective computing, computer vision, neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, social decision-making Reviewer: Served as a reviewer for JAIR, AAAI, CVPR, TAFFC, ICMI News and updates: 14 Mar 2023: Second PhD Seminar (In preparation) 9 Feb 2023: Attended the L.O.V.E conference on perception, cognition and action 29 Nov 2022: Presented poster at Annual Toronto Machine Learning Summit, Toronto 20 Jul 2022: Presented talk at CSBBCS, Halifax! 19 Jun 2022: Presented poster at CVPR workshop, New Orleans! 03 Jun 2022: RATE journal submission accepted! 23 Feb 2022: AAAI Doctoral Consortium presentation 21 Dec 2021: Successfully completed PhD Comprehensive-II milestone! 15 and 21 Sep 2021: Moderator for MLOps Production and Engineering: NY and TMLS NLP chapter respectively 28 Sep 2021: Paper on 'Emotions in Socio-cultural Interactive AI Agents' accepted in ACII 2021 workshop on 'Functions of emotions for socially interactive agents' (Malhotra and Hoey) 21 Jul 2021: Moderated 2 sessions for Toronto Machine Learning Society (TMLS) Healthcare chapter 08 March 2021: Extended Abstract on "The Role of Identities in Socially Interactive Affective Robots" accepted at Human-Robot Interaction Conference workshop on Robo-Identities! 31 July 2020: Completed Computational Neuroscience NeuroMatch Academy 2020 successfully! 14 June 2020: Paper on "A Biologically-Inspired Neural Implementation of Affect Control Theory" accepted in ICCM 2020 30 April 2020: Completed "Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory" course and all required PhD courses 06 Feb 2020: Attended the L.O.V.E conference on perception, cognition and action 07 Nov 2019: Attended "Window to the Brain" - health innovations event by University of Waterloo 05 Sep 2019: Attended ACII 2019 in Cambridge, UK 09 May 2019: First PhD Seminar on "Automatic Group-Level Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning" 28 Aug 2018: Completed PhD Comprehensive-I milestone! Background: Received Masters in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada in 2016 (Cumulative GPA: 92.5) Received Bachelors in IT Engineering at the University of Mumbai, India in 2003 Researcher in IIT Mumbai during 2002-2003 IT professional with 19+ years experience of working with global corporations since July 2003 till date My favorite quote: "Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." - Marie Curie |
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