- Create the account, compile Play, and the OAT app as in OatTestAccount.
- Add a script in /etc/init/play-advising/online-advising-tools.conf
# play-advising -- The OAT (Online Advising Tools) web app
# Built on the play framework
description "OAT -- Online Advising Tools"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
umask 022
console none
cd /home/oat-prod/oat
( sleep 15 && echo -e '\004' ) | ./pprod 2>auto_start.err >auto_start.out
end script
ByronWeberBecker - 2013-08-01
This topic: OAT
> WebHome > OatProdAccount
Topic revision: r2 - 2013-08-02 - ByronWeberBecker