Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 28 (2025), Article 25.1.2

Some New Results on the Minuscule Polynomials of Type A

Ming-Jian Ding
School of Mathematical Sciences
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116024

Jiang Zeng
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Centrale Lyon, INSA Lyon, Université Jean Monnet
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex


We prove two recent conjectures of Bourn and Erickson (2023) regarding a certain family of polynomials Nn(x). The first conjecture says they have only real zeros, and the second concerns the sum of their coefficients. These polynomials arise as the numerators of generating functions in the context of the discrete one-dimensional earth mover's distance (EMD), and also have a connection to the Wiener index of minuscule lattices. Additionally, we prove that the coefficients of Nn(x) are asymptotically normal, the coefficient matrix of Nn(x) is totally positive, and the polynomial sequence Nn(x)n≥1 is x-log-concave.

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(Concerned with sequences A002699 A005585 A007290 A375853 A376072.)

Received July 1 2024; revised version received July 5 2024; September 8 2024; September 10 2024. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, January 10 2025.

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