Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 27 (2024), Article 24.1.2

Constructing Thick Bh-Sets

Kevin O'Bryant
City University of New York
The Graduate Center and The College of Staten Island
2800 Victory Boulevard, 1S215
Staten Island, NY 10314


A subset A of a commutative semigroup X is called a Bh-set in X if the only solutions to a1 + ··· + ah = b1 + ··· + bh, ai, biA are the trivial solutions {a1,..., ah} = {b1,..., bh} (as multisets). With h = 2 and X = Z, these sets are also known as Sidon sets, Golomb rulers, and Babcock sets. In this work, we generalize constructions of Bose-Chowla and Singer and give the resultant bounds on the diameter of a k element Bh-set in Z for h = 3, k ≤ 28 and h = 4, k ≤ 16. We conclude with a list of open problems.

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(Concerned with sequences A096772 A227358 A365300 A365301 A365302 A365303 A365304 A365305.)

Received August 24 2023; revised versions received August 26 2023; January 3 2024. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, January 3 2024.

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