On the Variation of the Sum of Digits in the Zeckendorf Representation: An Algorithm to Compute the Distribution and Mixing Properties
Yohan Hosten
Laboratoire Amiénois de Mathématique
Fondamentale et Appliquée Université de Picardie Jules Verne
33, rue Saint Leu
80000 Amiens
We study probability measures defined by the variation of the sum of
digits in the Zeckendorf representation. For r ≥ 0 and d ∈ Z, we
consider μ(r)(d), the density of integers n ∈ N for which the sum
of digits increases by d when r is added to n. We give a probabilistic
interpretation of μ(r) via the dynamical system provided by the odometer
of Zeckendorf-adic integers and its unique invariant measure. We give
an algorithm for computing μ(r) and we prove the exponential decay of
μ(r)(d) as d → -∞, as well as the formula
μ(Fℓ) = μ(1)
where Fℓ
is a term of the Fibonacci sequence. Finally, we decompose the Zeckendorf
representation of an integer r into so-called "blocks" and show
that when added to an adic Zeckendorf integer, the successive actions
of these blocks can be seen as a sequence of mixing random variables.
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Received October 13 2023; revised versions received October 18 2023; January 19 2024; February 23 2024.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences,
February 24 2024.
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