Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 27 (2024), Article 24.8.8

General Convolution Sums Involving Fibonacci m-Step Numbers

Robert Frontczak
72762 Reutlingen

Karol Gryszka
Institute of Mathematics
University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
Podchorążych 2
30-084 Kraków


In this paper, using a generating function approach, we derive several new convolution sum identities involving the Fibonacci m-step numbers. As special instances of the results derived herein, we obtain many new and known results involving the Fibonacci, Tribonacci, Tetranacci, and Pentanacci numbers. In addition, we establish some general results providing insights into the inner structure of such convolutions. Finally, we state some mixed convolutions involving the Fibonacci m-step, Jacobsthal, and Pell numbers.

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(Concerned with sequences A000045 A000073 A000078 A001591 A001592 A066178 A079262 A094687 A106515.)

Received April 5 2024; revised version received April 13 2024; April 14 2024; December 2 2024; December 3 2024. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, January 2 2025.

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