Analytical Study and Efficient Evaluation of the Josephus Function
Yunier Bello-Cruz and Roy Quintero-Contreras
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
In this paper, we present a novel approach to analyzing intrinsic
properties of the Josephus function, Jk. The
linear structure between extremal points of Jk
is fully revealed, leading to the design of an efficient algorithm
for evaluating Jk. We also derive algebraic
expressions that describe how to recursively compute extremal points,
including fixed points. The existence of consecutive extremal and also
fixed points of Jk, for all k ≥
2, is proven as a consequence, which generalizes Knuth’s result for
k = 2. Moreover, we conduct an extensive comparative numerical
experiment to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithm for
evaluating the Josephus function compared to established algorithms. The
results show that the proposed scheme is highly effective in computing
Jk(n) for large inputs.
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(Concerned with sequences
Received October 16 2023; revised versions received October 17 2023; January 21 2024; January 24 2024.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences,
March 10 2024.
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