Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 27 (2024), Article 24.6.2

Fibonacci Identities via Fibonacci Functions

Kunle Adegoke
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
Obafemi Awolowo University
220005 Ile-Ife


We present a differential-calculus-based method which allows one to derive more identities from a given Fibonacci-Lucas identity containing a finite number of terms and having at least one free index. The method has two independent components. The first component allows new identities to be obtained directly from an existing identity while the second yields a generalization of the existing identity. The strength of the first component is that no additional information is required about the given original identity. We illustrate the method by providing new generalizations of some well-known identities such as d'Ocagne's identity, Candido's identity, the Gelin-Cesàro identity, and Catalan's identity. The method readily extends to a generalized Fibonacci sequence.

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(Concerned with sequences A000032 A000045.)

Received December 15 2023; revised version received May 29 2024. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, June 19 2024.

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