Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 26 (2023), Article 23.3.7

Generalization of the Extended Minimal Excludant of Andrews and Newman

Aritram Dhar, Avi Mukhopadhyay, and Rishabh Sarma
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611


In a recent pioneering work, Andrews and Newman defined an extended function pA,a(n) of their minimal excludant or "mex" of a partition function. By considering the special cases pk,k(n) and p2k,k(n), they unearthed connections to the rank and crank of partitions and some restricted partitions. In this paper, we build on their work and obtain more general results associating the extended mex function with the number of partitions of an integer with arbitrary bound on the rank and crank. We also derive a new result expressing the smallest parts function of Andrews as a finite sum of the extended mex function in consideration with a curious coefficient. We also obtain a few restricted partition identities with some reminiscent of shifted partition identities. Finally, we define and explore a new minimal excludant for overpartitions.

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Received October 21 2022; revised version received February 9 2023; March 16 2023. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, March 17 2023.

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