Alternating Variants of Multiple Poly-Bernoulli Numbers and Finite Multiple Zeta Values in Characteristic 0 and p
Daichi Matsuzuki
Graduate School of Mathematics
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8602
This paper has two parts: the characteristic 0 part and the
characteristic p part. In the characteristic 0 part, we introduce
an alternating extension of the multiple poly-Bernoulli numbers of M.-S. Kim
and T. Kim. We obtain explicit representations of the alternating finite
multiple zeta values, introduced by Zhao, in terms of the alternating
extension of the multiple poly-Bernoulli numbers, which are alternating
generalizations of the work of Imatomi, M. Kaneko, and Takeda. In the
characteristic p part, we introduce positive characteristic analogs of
alternating finite multiple zeta values, and express them as special values
of finite Carlitz multiple polylogarithms defined by Chang and Mishiba. We
introduce alternating variants of Harada's multiple poly-Bernoulli-Carlitz
numbers, which are analogues of the multiple poly-Bernoulli numbers, to obtain
explicit representations of the finite alternating multiple zeta values.
We show that finite multiple zeta values with an integer index can be
expressed as k-linear combination of FMZV's with all-positive indices.
Full version: pdf,
Received May 4 2021; revised versions received May 12 2022; June 21 2022.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences,
June 22 2022.
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