Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 25 (2022), Article 22.4.1

On the Number of Compositions of Km × Pn

Liam Buttitta


In a paper written in 2001, Knopfmacher and Mays introduced the concept of graph compositions. In another paper written in 2004, Ridley and Mays proved a theorem on the number of compositions of the Cartesian product of the path graph with another graph. We build on this theorem to create an algorithm that calculates the closed-form solutions for the sequences given by the numbers of compositions of the Cartesian product of the path graph with complete graphs, and we apply this algorithm to produce two new sequences in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We also demonstrate some unexpected results that arise from these sequences, and try to explain why they might occur.

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(Concerned with sequences A000079 A000110 A078469 A344638 A346273.)

Received October 21 2021; revised versions received January 2 2022; February 1 2022. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, March 27 2022.

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