Crossings over Permutations Avoiding Some Pairs of Patterns of Length Three
Paul M. Rakotomamonjy, Sandrataniaina R. Andriantsoa, and Arthur
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Domain of Sciences and Technology
University of Antananarivo
In this paper, we compute the distributions of the statistic number
of crossings over permutations avoiding one of the pairs {321, 231},
{123, 132} and {123, 213}. The obtained results are new combinatorial
interpretations of two known triangles in terms of restricted permutations
statistic. For other pairs of patterns of length three, we find
relationships between the polynomial distributions of the crossings
over permutations that avoid the pairs containing the pattern 231 on
the one hand, and the pattern 312 on the other hand.
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(Concerned with sequences
Received December 20 2019;
revised versions received May 16 2020; May 17 2020; May 20 2020.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences,
June 9 2020.
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