CSCF Infrastructure Technology Group

CSI  » Services  » Authentication and Authorization

OATdb (aka Odysseydb) Queries

Authentication and Authorization

This is a start to document the "views" of the Data that the CSCF Infrastructure group desires to maintain the Schools' Directory Services and provide the analytics to help plan for the capacity requirements of the various IT services CSCF manages.

Although netgroup dataset limitations provides the main requirement for us to be able to rationaly divide a list of uses to fit within a fixed size string length, Microsoft Active Directory Maximum Limits - Scalability documentation has recommendations on maximum number of users in a group


CS_courses (list from Course Catalog authoritative data?)

${Course-ID_section}_co-ordinator (list of GENERAL account-names)
Foreach Course-Section in Course_ID:
${Course-ID_section}_lecturer (list of GENERAL account-names)
${Course-ID_section}_ta (list of GENERAL account-names)
${Course-ID_section}_BIU (CS students account-names from Odysseydb)
${Course-ID_section}_BTU (non-CS students account-names from Odysseydb)
${Course-ID_section}_sponsored_by_lecturer (list of TEACHING account-names)
${Course-ID_section}_sponsored_by_ta (list of TEACHING account-names)
${Course-ID_section}_group (list of CS_course_groups)
${Course-ID_section}_resources (CS_course_resources)
Foreach Course-ID in list of CS courses:
${Course-ID}_users @${Course-ID_*}_lecturer,@${Course-ID_*}_ta,@${Course-ID_*}_BIU,@${Course-ID_*}_BTU,@${Course-ID_*}_sponsored_by_lecturer,@${Course-ID_*}_sponsored_by_ta
${Course-ID}_account (account-name exists in both GENERAL and TEACHING)
${CS-course-resources}_host (list)
${CS-course-resources}_lab_room (list)
${CS-course-resources}_extra_quota (list)
CS_course_group (list)
${CS-course_group}_resources (CS_course_resources)
GENERAL domain
CS_research_group (list)
${CS-research_group}_resources (CS_research_resources)
${CS-research-resources}_host (list)
${CS-research-resources}_lab_room (list)
${CS-research-resources}_extra_quota (list)


  1. Setting up Samba as an Active Directory Domain Controller