Advanced Topics in Requirements Engineering (CS 846)
Spring/Summer 2023 Schedule
Courses and Sections:
CS846 is Advanced Topics in Software Engineering, a graduate seminar.
Section 1 is "Advanced Topics in Requirements Engineering".
We have 24 2-hour meetings scheduled over which we need to meet 36 hours,
where an hour is defined as 55 minutes (because we meet from
10:30-12:20 not 12:30).
So basically, we meet 18 times.
Some dates are canceled due to my traveling.
So far only my travel is accounted for. That cancellation makes the Canada
Day Weekend longer. See the dates around 1 July in
the lecture schedule for details.
Some time after the first meeting, I will try to account for student travel.
Tentative Schedule
Evaluation of Instructor at the End of the Term:
You will be able to evaluate the course instructor at
any time between Thursday 20 July 2023 at 12:00am (just at midnight)
and Wednesday, 2 August 2023 at 8:30am.
Please see these slides for
more detail about logging into the site and the questions it asks.
E-Mail from Instructor:
Archive of All E-mail Sent to Whole Class
Highest Level Course Outline:
Short Description of the Course
Course Times and Locations:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:300am--12:20am in DC 2585
No textbook. Notes are provided at this Web site or are handed out in
Each student has to do the following:
Do one of
do some project, e.g., an experiment with volunteering subjects,
do some research, e.g., solving some open RE problem,
explore RE issues in your own research area,
do a case study, e.g., describe an RE experience at some job in
the past, or even now, from which we can learn something, or
research a topic, i.e., read a bunch of research papers on a topic.
Write a conference-sized paper about the project or research.
Give a 25 to 50-minute talk (the time is depending on the class size)
based on the paper so that the
whole class benefits from it, and the prof has one less lecture to do :-).
Please get your project or report topic approved by the prof before
going too far into it, to make sure that it will be acceptable.
The due date for the project or report is Friday
4 August.
Possible Topics for Instructor:
Possible Topics by Instructor
Possible Topics for Students:
Possible Topics by Students
The list below represents the sequence of lectures as I see they will be
given. As time goes on, I may change the order. Also as time goes on, I
will see how they divide themselves up into dates.
If a topic has hot links, then the slides for the topic are available for
downloading. If there are no hot links on a topic, the slides are not ready
yet, and will be later, I hope, at least one day before the lecture.
The title itself is a hot link to a copy of its slides in Acrobat form (.pdf).
These slides may not be exactly what I am showing on the screen during the
lecture. My lecture may have material that I do not have the legal right to
distribute multiple copies of. It may have also an exercise that I want to
do alive in class with your help. I do not want you to be able to see
such material until I have finished.
Underneath the header Additional Materials OR Deliverable Details,
you will find some additional reading or viewing material.
Date |
Day & Lecturer OR Topic & Main Slides |
Additional Materials |
9 May |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
5 Minute Description of Course |
First Day's Handout and Course Requirements |
| | |
The Requirements Iceberg |
The Requirements Iceberg Bibliography |
11 May |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
The Requirements Iceberg |
The Requirements Iceberg Bibliography |
16 May |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
The Requirements Iceberg |
The Requirements Iceberg Bibliography |
18 May |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
The Requirements Iceberg |
The Requirements Iceberg Bibliography |
| | |
RE Reference Model |
23 May |
Tuesday NO LECTURE: Monday Class Schedule |
25 May |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
RE Reference Model |
30 May |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
RE Reference Model |
My Self-Administered Hair Cut During the Covid-19 Lockdown: Real-Life, Small-Scale Requirements Engineering |
1 June |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Scope Determined (D) and Scope Determining (G) Requirements: A New Categorization of Functional Requirements |
Supplemental Slides for Main Slides |
6 June |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Understanding the Relation Between Recall, Precision, F-Measure, and Summarization for RE Tools |
Evaluation of Tools for Hairy Requirements Engineering and Software Engineering Tasks |
| | |
FPvsPandS |
SPgraphNoScale |
8 June |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
The Prehistory and History of RE as Seen by Me |
The Prehistory and History of RE as Seen by Me: FULL SEQUENCE OF SLIDES |
13 June |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Emotion, Values, and Beliefs in RE |
15 June |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
The Four Levels of Requirements Engineering in and about Dynamic Adaptive Systems |
20 June |
NO LECTURE: to eliminate 2 hours from the 48 |
22 June |
NO LECTURE: to eliminate 2 hours from the 48 |
27 June |
NO LECTURE: to eliminate 2 hours from the 48 |
29 June |
NO LECTURE: Daniel Berry out of town, eliminates 2 hours from the 48 |
If this is your only class on Thursday, and you have no class
on Friday, you can take off for the Canada Day weekend after Wednesday's
classes! |
4 July |
NO LECTURE: to eliminate 2 hours from the 48 |
If this is your only class on Tuesday,
you can come back from the Canada Day weekend in time for Wednesday's
classes! |
6 July |
NO LECTURE: to eliminate 2 hours from the 48 |
11 July |
Tuesday Lecture: 3 Students |
Ale Luz, Lufan Wang, Belen Bonilla |
Ale Luz: Intermittent Exotropia
Requirements Engineering |
| | |
Lufan Wang: Requirements Engineering for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Finance-Trading Application |
| | |
Belen Bonilla: Requirements Change Management in Agile Software Development |
13 July |
Thursday Lecture: 3 Students |
Prithwish Jana, Aryan Hadaddy, Funmi Olaiya |
Prithwish Jana: Requirements Engineering for ML-based Source Code Translation |
| | |
Aryan Hadaddy: A Food Ordering Website |
| | |
Funmi Olaiya: Requirements Engineering is the Compass that Guides Successful Solutions: An Engineering Experience Report |
18 July |
Tuesday Lecture: 3 Students |
'Tunde Oladipo, Favour Kio, Prasanna Kumar |
'Tunde Oladipo: Innovating in the Financial Industry: An RE Perspective |
| | |
Favour Kio: Stepping up the Prompt Game: Requirements Engineering as a Catalyst for Effective Code Generation |
| | |
Prasanna Kumar: RE of a Solution to the Problem of Misuse of Cryptographic APIs |
20 July |
Thursday Lecture: 3 Students |
Susan Esho, Elly Khodaei, Muhammad |
Susan Esho: Enhancing User Experience through Effective Requirement Engineering for User Interfaces |
| | |
Elly Khodaei: Requirement Engineering for Malware Detection using Hardware Performance Counters |
| | |
Muhammad: Requirements Specification for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications |
25 July |
Tuesday Lecture: 2 Students |
Deborah Etsenake, Mofe Adeyemi |
Deborah Etsenake: Rock the Software Stage: The Electrifying Band Chemistry of ChatGPT and Humans in User Requirements |
| | |
Mofe Adeyemi: Requirements Engineering for Addressing Toxicity in Language Models |
| | |
How to Evaluate the Course Prof |
27 July |
Thursday Lecture: 2 Students and Daniel Berry |
Hauton Tsang, Sky Qiao |
Hauton Tsang: Requirements Framework for Video Game Console Security |
| | |
Sky Qiao: Requirement Engineering of Machine Learning --- Enhancing Evaluation of Machine Learning Models |
| | |
Requirements for Monitoring Inattention of the Responsible Human in an Autonomous Vehicle: The Recall and Precision Tradeoff |
1 August |
Tuesday Lecture:Daniel Berry and 1 Student |
Joseph Scott |
Joseph Scott: Requirements
Engineering Retrospectives on Machine --Learning-- Learners and Verification |
| | |
Requirements Engineering for Artificial Intelligence: What Is a Requirements Specification for an Artificial Intelligence? |
Origins of RE for AI: A Hot Topic as Viewed by an RE Alter Kaker |
| | |
Full Slides: Requirements Engineering for Artificial Intelligence: What Is a Requirements Specification for an Artificial Intelligence? |
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CS 846: Advanced Topics in Electronic Publishing
Last modification: Tuesday, 01-Aug-2023 13:32:14 EDT