David Toman's papers available in PDF

Note: Most of the papers on this page are copyrighted by the respective publishers. Please respect the copyrights (e.g., by ensuring that you have access to the original publication through your library; the copies of the papers are provided here just to save you a trip to the library and/or the photocopying costs).

Go to Journal papers, Refereed conference papers, Book chapters, Edited Collections/Special Issues, Invited Tutorials and Talks, and Unpublished papers and notes.

Journal papers

  1. On Keys and Functional Dependencies as First-Class Citizens in Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Journal of Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2006 special issue, 40(2-3), 117-132, 2008.
    [papers-jar08.pdf: 16 pages]

  2. On Reasoning about Structural Equality in XML: A Description Logic Approach (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), ICDT'03 special issue, Vol. 336, No. 1, May 2005, 181-203.
    [papers-tcs03.ps: 28 pages]

  3. Variable Independence and Aggregation Closure (with Jan Chomicki, Dina Goldin, and Gabriel Kuper).
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 15, No. 6, November/December 2003, 1422-1436.
    [papers-tkde02-revised.ps, 32 pages TKDE version, 15 pages]

  4. Optimizing Temporal Queries: Efficient Handling of Duplicates (with Ivan T. Bowman)
    Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), TIME 2001 special issue, Vol.44, No. 2, February 2003, 143-164.
    [papers-dke02.ps: 25 pages, DKE version]

  5. Querying ATSQL Databases with Temporal Logic (with Jan Chomicki and Michael H. Bohlen)
    ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), Vol. 26 No. 2, June 2001, 145-178.
    [papers-tods01.ps: 33 pages]

  6. Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints (with Jan Chomicki)
    The Journal of Logic Programming (JLP), Vol. 35, No. 3, June 1998, 263-290.
    [papers-jlp.ps: 28 pages, Abstract]

  7. Memoing Evaluation for Constraint Extensions of Datalog
    Constraints: An International Journal, Spec. Issue on Constraints and Databases, Vol. 2 No. 3/4, December 1997, 337-359.
    [papers-constraints.ps: 23 pages] [Abstract]

  8. Implementing Temporal Integrity Constraints Using an Active DBMS (with Jan Chomicki)
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Special section on Temporal and Real-time Databases (TKDE), Vol. 7, No. 4, August 1995, 566-582.
    [papers-tkde7-4-1995.ps: 16 pages] [Abstract]

Refereed conference and international workshop papers

  1. Pushing the CFDnc Envelope (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Submitted. [papers-dl14a.pdf]

  2. Query Answering over CFDnc^forall Knowledge Bases (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Submitted. [papers-dl14b.pdf]

  3. Conjunctive Query Answering in EL using a Relational Database System (with Carsten Lutz and Frank Wolter).
    Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2009.

  4. Applications and Extensions of PTIME Description Logics with Functional Constraints (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2009.

  5. Identifying Objects Over Time with Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2008: 724-732

  6. Decidable Reasoning over Timestamped Conceptual Models (with Alessandro Artale).
    Proc. Description Logics, CEUR-WS 353, 2008.

  7. Identifying Objects Over Time with Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics, CEUR-WS 353, 2008.

  8. On Ordering and Indexing Metadata for the Semantic Web (with Jeffrey Pound, Lubomir Stanchev, and Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics, CEUR-WS 353, 2008.

  9. Conjunctive Query Answering in EL using a Database System. (with Carsten Lutz and Frank Wolter).
    Proc. OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED) 2008

  10. PTIME Description Logics with Functional Constraints and their Extensions (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Complexity, Expressibility, and Decidability in Automated Reasoning (CEDAR) 2008: 5-19

  11. Decidable Reasoning over Timestamped Conceptual Models (with Alessandro Artale).
    Proc. Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD) 2008: 168-178

  12. Optimizing away joins on data streams (with Lukasz Golab, Theodore Johnson, Nick Koudas, and Divesh Srivastava).
    Proc. Scalable Stream Processing Systems (SSPS) 2008: 48-57

  13. An Incremental Technique for Automata-Based Decision Procedures (with Gulay Unel).
    Proc. International Conference on Automated Deduction CADE 2007: 100-115

  14. On Order Dependencies for the Semantic Web (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. International Conference on Conceptual Modelling ER 2007: 293-306

  15. Logic Programming Approach to Automata-Based Decision Procedures (with Gulay Unel).
    Proc. International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) 2007: 165-179

  16. On Construction of Holistic Synopses under the Duplicate Semantics of Streaming Queries.
    Proc. International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning TIME 2007: 150-162

  17. Description Logic of Change (with Alessandro Artale and Carsten Lutz).
    Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2007, 218-223.

  18. Adding ABoxes to a Description Logic with Uniqueness Constraints via Path Agreements (with Vitaliy Khizder and Grant Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2007, CEUR-WS 250, 339-346, 2007.

  19. On Ordering Descriptions in a Description Logic (with Jeffrey Pound, Lubomir Stanchev, and Grant Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2007, CEUR-WS 250, 123-134, 2007.

  20. On Keys and Functional Dependencies as First-class Citizens in Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) 2006, 647-661.

  21. On Construction of Holistic Synopses under the Duplicate Semantics of Streaming Queries
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management STDBM 2006, CEUR-WS 174, 2006.

  22. Description Logic of Change (preliminary report) (with Alessandro Artale and Carsten Lutz).
    Proc. Description Logics 2006, CEUR-WS 189, 97-108, 2006.

  23. Structure and Content Scoring for XML (with Sihem Amer-Yahia, Nick Koudas, Amelie Marian, and Divesh Srivastava).
    Proc. International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB) 2005, 361-372.
    [papers-vldb05.ps] [papers-vldb05.pdf]

  24. On the Interaction between Inverse Features and Path-functional Dependencies in Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2005, 603-608.
    [papers-ijcai05.ps] [papers-ijcai05.pdf] (typos fixed)

  25. On Path-functional Dependencies as First-class Citizens in Description Logics (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2005, CEUR-WS 147, 2005.
    [papers-dl2005.ps] [papers-dl2005.pdf]

  26. Deciding Weak Monadic Second-order Logics using Complex-value Datalog (with Gulay Unel).
    Proc. Applications of Description Logics 2004, CEUR-WS vol.115, 2004.

  27. Attribute Inversion in Description Logics with Path Functional Dependencies (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2004, CEUR-WS 104, 178-187, 2004.

  28. Fixpoint Extensions of Temporal Description Logics (with Enrico Franconi).
    Proc. Description Logics 2003, CEUR-WS 81, 160-167, 2003.

  29. Rewriting Aggregate Queries using Description Logic (with David DeHaan and Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2003, CEUR-WS 81, 103-112, 2003.

  30. Logical Data Expiration for Fixpoint Extensions of Temporal Logics.
    Proc. SSTD 2003, International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, LNCS 2750, 380-393, 2003.

  31. On Incompleteness of Multi-dimensional First-order Temporal Logics.
    Proc. TIME-ICTL 2003, IEEE International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning and International Conference on Temporal Logic, 99-106, 2003.

  32. A Comprehensive XQuery to SQL Translation using Dynamic Interval Encoding (with David DeHaan, Mariano P. Consens, and M. Tamer Ozsu).
    Proc. ACM SIGMOD'03, International Conference on Management of Data, 623-634, 2003.
    [papers-sigmod03.pdf; 12 pages]

  33. On Reasoning about Structural Equality in XML: A Description Logic Approach (with Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. ICDT'03, International Conference on Database Theory, LNCS 2572, 96-110, 2003.
    [papers-icdt03.ps: 15 pages, Springer PDF version]

  34. Fine Grained Information Integration with Description Logic (with Huizhu Liu and Grant E. Weddell).
    Proc. Description Logics 2002, CEUR-WS, vol.53, 1-12, 2002.
    [papers-dl2002.ps: 12 pages]

  35. Query Processing in Embedded Control Programs (with Grant E. Weddell)
    Proc. Databases in Telecommunications, LNCS 2209, 68-87, 2001.
    [papers-dbtel01.ps: 20 pages]

  36. On Attributes, Roles, and Dependencies in Description Logics and the Ackermann Case of the Decision Problem (with Grant E. Weddell)
    Proc. Description Logics 2001, CEUR-WS, vol.49, 76-85, 2001.
    [papers-dl2001.ps: 10 pages] [Slides]

  37. Optimizing Temporal Queries: Efficient Handling of Duplicates (with Ivan T. Bowman)
    Proc. TIME 2001, International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning: 93-100, 2001.
    [papers-time01a.ps: 8 pages]

  38. Expiration of Historical Databases.
    Proc. TIME 2001, International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning: 128-135, 2001.
    [papers-time01b.ps: 8 pages] [Slides]

  39. On Decidability and Complexity of Description Logics with Uniqueness Constraints (with Vitaliy L. Khizder and Grant E. Weddell)
    Proc. ICDT'01, International Conference on Database Theory, LNCS 1973, 54-67, 2001.
    [papers-icdt01.ps: 14 pages] [Slides]

  40. Reasoning about Duplicate Elimination with Description Logic (with Vitaliy L. Khizder and Grant E. Weddell)
    Proc. Computational Logic (DOOD) LNCS 1861: 1017-1032, 2000.
    [papers-dood00.ps: 15 pages]

  41. On Decidability and Complexity of Description Logics with Uniqueness Constraints (with Vitaliy L. Khizder and Grant E. Weddell)
    Proc. Description Logics 2000, CEUR-WS, vol.33, 193-202, 2000.
    [papers-dl2000.ps: 10 pages] [Slides]

  42. A Point-based Temporal Extension of SQL
    Proc. DOOD'97, 5th Int. Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, LNCS 1341, 103-121, 1997.
    [papers-dood97.ps: 19 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]
    A full version as TR-CS-362 (1997), University of Toronto.
    [papers-sqltp.ps: 21 pages]

  43. Constraint Databases and Program Analysis using Abstract Interpretation
    Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraint Databases Systems CDB'97, Delphi, Greece, LNCS 1191 (Constraint Databases and Applications), 246--262, 1997.
    [papers-absint.ps: 17 pages] [Abstract]

  44. Computing the Well-founded Semantics for Constraint Extensions of Datalog
    In Proc. CP'96 workshop on Constraint Databases, Cambridge, MA, LNCS 1191 (Constraint Databases and Applications), 64--79, 1996.
    [papers-wfmeval.ps: 16 pages] [Abstract]

  45. Point-based vs. Interval-based Temporal Query Languages
    Proc. ACM PODS 1996, 58-67, 1996.
    [papers-pods96.ps: 10 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]

  46. First-Order Temporal Queries Inexpressible in Temporal Logic (with Damian Niwinski)
    Proc. EDBT'96 Advances in Database Technology, LNCS 1057, 307-324, 1996.
    [papers-edbt96a.ps: 18 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]

  47. Querying TSQL2 Databases with Temporal Logic (with Michael H. Bohlen, Jan Chomicki, and Richard T. Snodgrass)
    Proc. EDBT'96 Advances in Database Technology, LNCS 1057, 325-341, 1996.
    [papers-edbt96b.ps: 17 pages] [Abstract]

  48. Top-Down beats Bottom-Up for Constraint Based Extensions of Datalog
    Proc. ILPS'95, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
    [papers-ilps95.ps: 15 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]
    Source code of an experimental implementation of various query evaluation methods (v0.0) is here, but you need your own Prolog compiler to run it.

  49. Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints (with Jan Chomicki and David S. Rogers)
    Proc. ILPS'94, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994.
    [papers-ilps94.ps: 15 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]

  50. Implementing Temporal Integrity Constraints Using an Active DBMS (with Jan Chomicki)
    Proc. RIDE'94 Active Database Systems, Houston, TX, 87-95, 1994.
    [papers-ride94.ps: 9 pages] [Abstract] [Slides]

  51. WAM Based Efficient Implementation of Logic Programming Languages (with Ludek Matyska, Adriana Jergova, Petr Mejzlik, Vaclav Racansky, and Jiri Zlatuska)
    Final Report. IBM Academic Initiative research project. 1992.
    [papers-ibmai.ps: 10 pages]

  52. The Register Allocation in WAM (with Ludek Matyska and Adriana Jergova)
    Proc. 8th ICLP, Paris, 142-156, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991.
    [papers-iclp91.ps: 15 pages] [Abstract]

Book chapters

  1. Time in Database Systems (with Jan Chomicki)
    In Handbook of Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence, Michael Fisher, Dov Gabbay, and Lluis Vila, eds., Elsevier 2005, 429-467.
    [preliminary draft]

  2. Logical Data Expiration.
    In Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases, Jan Chomicki, Ron van der Meyden, and Gunter Saake, eds., Springer 2003, 203-238.
    [preliminary draft]

  3. SQL/TP: a Temporal Extension of SQL (the constraint approach)
    In Constraint Databases, Gabriel Kuper, Leonid Libkin, and Jan Paredaens, eds., Springer 2000, 391-399.
    [preliminary draft]

  4. Temporal Logic in Information Systems (with Jan Chomicki)
    In Logics for Databases and Information Systems, Jan Chomicki and Gunter Saake, eds., Kluwer Academic publishers, 1998, 31-70.
    Preliminary version in BRICS Lecture Series LS-1-97, ISSN 1395-2048.
    [brics-mini-LS-97-1.ps, brics-mini-LS-97-1.pdf]

  5. Point-based Temporal Extensions of SQL and their Efficient Implementation
    Temporal Databases: Research and Practice (Etzion et al., eds.), LNCS 1399, 1998, 211-236.
    [papers-dagstuhl97.ps: 100149 bytes, 28 pages, Abstract, Slides]

Edited collections

  1. Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2006)
    (with Bijan Parsia and Ulrike Sattler) Windermere, Lake District, UK, May 30 - June 1, 2006 CEUR-WS.org 2006

  2. Special Issue: TIME 2005
    (with Jan Chomicki)
    Information and Computation 205(1): 1 (2007)

Invited Tutorials and Talks

  1. Logical Data Expiration.
    Invited Keynote at TIME'01, Manchester, UK, 2001. [synopsis and overview, Slides, Slides (pdf)]

  2. Temporal Databases (A Tutorial) (with Jan Chomicki)
    Invited Tutorial at EDBT'98, Valencia, Spain, 1998. [synopsis and overview]

  3. BRICS PhD Mini-Course on Temporal Databases
    University of Aarhus, November 21-24, 1997. [Announcement, BRICS Lecture Notes, Slides]

  4. Temporal Databases (A Tutorial) (with Jan Chomicki)
    Invited Tutorial at ICTL'97, Manchester, UK, 1997. [Slides]

Submitted/Unpublished papers and notes

  1. Fine Grained Information Integration with Description Logics (with Huizhu Liu and Grant E. Weddell).

  2. Querying XML: On the Utility of Interval Encoding (with Grant E. Weddell).
    TR-CS-2002-09, University of Waterloo. [papers-xml.ps]

  3. Query Evaluation in Constraint Databases
    (tutorial proposal)
    [papers-tutcp.ps: 35533 bytes, 6 pages] [Abstract]