- Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France, Jan 15, 2014
- Yandex, Moscow, Russia, Jan 17, 2014
- Moscow State University, Russia, Jan.16, 2014
- Institute for Pure and Applied Math (IPAM), UCLA, California, US, Feb.12, 2013 (www)
- BioImage Informatics, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Sept.17, 2012
- Yandex, Moscow, May 25, 2012
- Dagstuhl-Seminar on Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimization Methods in Vision (11471), Saarbrucken, Germany, November, 2011.
- Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 2011
- Computer Science, Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic, March 2011
- Applied Math, Ecole Normale Sup�rieure de Cachan, Paris, February 2011
- SNRS, Universit�Pierre�et Marie�Curie�-�Paris 6, January 2011
- CS department, Ecole Central Paris, France, January 2011
- ParisTech Institute Telecom, France, January 2011
- CS department, University College London (UCL), UK, December, 2010
- CS department, University of British Columbia, Canada, December, 2010
- Departement d'Informatique,�Ecole Normale Sup�rieure & INRIA Willows group December, 2010
- NIPS, workshop on learning and optimization, Vancouver, Canada, Dec.2010
- Visual Geometry Group, Oxford University, October 2010
- ESIEE, University Paris Est, November, 2010
- CS department, Technical University of Munchen (TUM), Germany, October 2010
- CS department, University of Heidelberg, Germany, October 2010
- Computer Science Department, University of Toronto, Canada, January 2010
- University of Lund, Sweden, May 2009.
- MRF symposium, Cambridge University, UK, Oct 2008.
- University of Bonn, Computer Science Department, Germany, July, 2008.
- Dagstuhl-Seminar on Motion Analysis, Saarbrucken, Germany, July 2008.
- Ecole Normale Sup�rieure, D�partement d'Informatique, Computer Vision group, June 2008.
- A series of 3 lectures at the 8th IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical
Imaging, Berder Island, Brittany, France, June, 2008.
- Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging, April 2008
- The University of Iowa, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, April 2008
- John Hopkins University, Center for Imaging Science, March 2008
- IPAM workshop on Graph Cuts and Related Discrete and Continuous Optimization Problems, UCLA, February, 2008
- BIRS (Banff International Research Station), Alberta, invited workshop on Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging, November 2007
- Moscow State University, Department of Computational Mathematics, August 2007
- BIRS (Banff International Research Station), Alberta, 2 talks at invited workshop on Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision, October 2006
- University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, May 2006
- Oxford University, UK, an invited 4-hour lecture on Graph Cuts vs. Level Sets", Visual Geometry and Robotics Research Group, May 2006
- University of Oxford-Brooks, Department of Computer Science, May 2006.
- Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, June 2006.
- Ecole Nationale de Ponts et Chaussese, CERTIS, Paris, France, May 2006
- Siemens Corporate Research, Imaging Department, Princeton, USA, May 2005.
- University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, April 2005,
- Moscow State University, Department of Mathematics, Russia, May 2004
- Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, June 2004,
- ALADDIN, invited workshop on Graph Partitioning in Vision and Machine Learning", Carnegie-Mellon University, 2003
- DIMACS, invited workshop on Discrete Mathematical Problems and Medical Applications", Rutgers University, 1999