Yetian Wang

Ph.D. Candidate
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science

University of Waterloo
200 University Ave W
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Office: Artificial Intelligence Lab (DC 2306A)
Email: first.lastname AT uwaterloo DOT ca

Research Summary

My research interest is to look into a device of rhetoric called rhetorical figure in AI with a Knowledge Representation approach and to study the effect of rhetorical figures in requirements elicitaion.
The specifc rhetorical figure I'm investigating is called ploke (ploce, ploche, etc.) which is the name for rhetorical figures of lexical repetition. Yes, you are using rhetorical figures when you are repeating a word or phrase. Just that simple!
We get a different perception from a passage or utterance when a word or phrase is repeated. For example, "long long ago" feels further away in time than "long ago". These things are what current AI/NLP systems can't "feel" yet. What if we can take one small step towards that so that can "feel" the difference cognitively (just like us)? The first step is able to formally represent ploke. So they don't just "see" (detection) the repetitions but may also "know" (ontological representation), thus able to "feel" () the different attentional effects in future.

My work is supervised by Prof.Dan Berry and Prof.Grant Weddell from The Cheriton School of Computer Science and Prof. Randy Harris from The Department of English Language and Literature. I was introduced to this area by Prof. Chrysanne Di Marco who is now a Professor Emerita.

Research Interests


Other Stuff


DiMarco Graduate Scholarship in Computational Rhetoric


A Protege Tutorial for ENGL 795 (Fall 2018)


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