====== files ====== README.txt this README document runContactLib.sh script to search similar protein structures from a ContactLib buildContactLib.sh script to build a ContactLib from PDB files contactlib.build executable to build a ContactLib contactlib.search executable to search a ContactLib contactlib.score executable to calculate similarity scores scop40 the pre-built ContactLib for SCOP40 ====== manual ====== To search similar protein structures from a ContactLib, call ./bin/runContactLib.sh IN_PDB_FILE IN_CONTACTLIB_DIR OUT_SCORE_FILE , where "IN_PDB_FILE" is the input PDB file containing the query protein structure, "IN_CONTACTLIB_DIR" is the input ContactLib directory containing the pre-built ContactLib, and "OUT_SCORE_FILE" is the output file containing the similarities scores. The pre-built ContactLib for SCOP40 is provided. To build your own ContactLib from PDB files, call ./bin/buildContactLib.sh IN_PDB_DIR OUT_CONTACTLIB_DIR , where "IN_PDB_DIR" is the input directory containing all PDB files, and "OUT_CONTACTLIB_DIR" is the output directory containing the ContactLib. ====== end ======