Multimodal Representation Understanding Based on Text-to-Image Generation Final project for the course CSC2516 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning at the University of Toronto. Automated ICD Coding with Hierarchical Curriculum Learning (HiCu) Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference (MLHC) 2022 Exploring Loss Function Schemes for Single Image Reflection Removal Final project for the course CSC2547 - Topics in Machine Learning: Machine Learning for Machine Vision as Inverse Graphics. Transformer-based Automated ICD Coding Final project for the course CSC2541 - Topics in Machine Learning: Machine Learning for Health at the University of Toronto. Optimizing Web Forms using A/B Testing and Reinforcement Learning Final project for the course CSC2558 - Topics in Multidisciplinary Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Toronto. Efficient Vehicle Type Classification with Distinctiveness-based CNN Pruning Final project for the course COMP4660 - Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Bio-inspired Computing at the Australian National University. Exploring Lightweight, Real-Time Multi-Object Tracking Models Undergraduate Honours thesis Sea Surface Temperature Prediction using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition As a part of the work submitted to 2020 COMAP's Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and won the Outstanding Winner award (top 19 out of 13753 teams).