Example 10.2 p 332 Cyclic forms of r90 and r270 are wrong. r90 should be (1 7 9 3) (2 4 8 6) in the text of Example 10.2 and in Figure 10.4. r270 should be (1 3 9 7) (2 6 8 4) in Figure 10.4. Section 10.1.2 p 337 line 13: ... G_i = G_{i-1} ... This is incorrect. It should be (G_{i-1})_{i-1}. I.e. the stabiliser of point i-1 in subgroup G_{i-1}. Unfortunately this also illustrates an abuse of notation, in that the subscript is used both to indicate stabilising of a point AND for an element of the stabiliser chain.