Social networking sites, such as MySpace, Facebook and Flickr, are
gaining more and more popularity among Internet users. As users are
enjoying this new style of networking, privacy concerns are also
attracting increasing public attention due to reports about privacy
breaches on social networking sites. We propose FaceCloak, an
architecture that protects user privacy on a social networking site by
shielding a user's personal information from the site and from other
users that were not explicitly authorized by the user. At the same
time, FaceCloak seamlessly maintains usability of the site's services.
FaceCloak achieves these goals by providing fake information to the
social networking site and by storing sensitive information in
encrypted form on a separate server.  We implemented our solution as a
Firefox browser extension for the Facebook platform.  Our experiments
show that our solution successfully conceals a user's personal
information, while allowing the user and her friends to explore
Facebook pages and services as usual.