CS858 - User Authentication - Fall 2024

Schedule & Reading List

Sep 10 Course Logistics / Introduction I
Course Logistics
Introduction to User Authentication I
Paper bids due Sep 16.
Sep 17 Introduction II / Presentation Advice / Project Topics
Introduction to User Authentication II
No reviews need Password Security: A Case History
Robert Morris, Ken Thompson [CACM 1979]
to be submitted The Quest to Replace Passwords: A Framework for Comparative Evaluation of Web Authentication Schemes
Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, Paul C. van Oorschot, Frank Stajano [Oakland 2012]
for these papers Passwords and the Evolution of Imperfect Authentication
Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, Paul C. van Oorschot, Frank Stajano [CACM 2015]
Advice on Giving Technical Presentations
Sample Project Topics
Sep 24 Passwords in the real world
A Large-Scale Measurement of Website Login Policies
Al Roomi et al. [USENIX Security 2023]
Investigating the Password Policy Practices of Website Administrators
Sahin et al. [Oakland 2023]
An Empirical Analysis of Enterprise-Wide Mandatory Password Updates
Mirian et al. [ACSAC 2023]
Sep 31 Password managers
Dissecting Nudges in Password Managers: Simple Defaults are Powerful
Zibaei et al. [SOUPS 2023]
“Would You Give the Same Priority to the Bank and a Game? I Do Not!” Exploring Credential Management Strategies and Obstacles during Password Manager Setup
Amft et al. [SOUPS 2023]
Measuring the Prevalence of Password Manager Issues Using In-Situ Experiments
Hutchinson et al. [NDSS 2024]
Oct 7 Password guessing
Guess Again (and Again and Again): Measuring Password Strength by Simulating Password-Cracking Algorithms
Gage et al. [Oakland 2012] (Winner of Oakland 2023 Test-of-Time Award)
Where The Wild Things Are: Brute-Force SSH Attacks In The Wild And How To Stop Them
Singh et al. [NSDI 2024]
Hidden Reality: Caution, Your Hand Gesture Inputs in the Immersive Virtual World are Visible to All!
Gopal et al. [USENIX Security 2023]
Oct 14 No class due to Reading Week
Oct 21 Two-factor authentication and risk-based access control
Project proposal due Oct 21. A Systematic Study of the Consistency of Two-Factor Authentication User Journeys on Top-Ranked Websites
Lyastani et al. [NDSS 2023]
A Study of Multi-Factor and Risk-Based Authentication Availability
Gavazzi et al. [USENIX Security 2023]
Security and Privacy Failures in Popular 2FA Apps
Gilsenan et al. [USENIX Security 2023]
Oct 28 Fallback authentication
“We've Disabled MFA for You”: An Evaluation of the Security and Usability of Multi-Factor Authentication Recovery Deployments
Amft et al. [CCS 2023]
A Comparative Long-Term Study of Fallback Authentication Schemes
Lassak et al. [CHI 2024]
A Mixed-Methods Study on User Experiences and Challenges of Recovery Codes for an End-to-End Encrypted Service
Höltervennhoff et al. [USENIX Security 2024]
Nov 4 Browser fingerprinting
Phish in Sheep's Clothing: Exploring the Authentication Pitfalls of Browser Fingerprinting
Lin et al. [USENIX Security 2022]
The Double Edged Sword: Identifying Authentication Pages and their Fingerprinting Behavior
Senol et al. [WWW 2024]
Understanding Users' Interaction with Login Notifications
Markert et al. [CHI 2024]
Nov 11 Biometrics and behavioural authentication
TouchTone: Smartwatch Privacy Protection via Unobtrusive Finger Touch Gestures
Yang et al. [MobiSys 2024]
Masterkey attacks against free-text keystroke dynamics and security implications of demographic factors
VanHamme et al. [Euro S&P 2023]
InfinityGauntlet: Expose Smartphone Fingerprint Authentication to Brute-force Attack
Chen et al. [USENIX Security 2023]
Nov 18 Passkeys
Evaluating the Security Posture of Real-World FIDO2 Deployments
Kuchhal et al. [CCS 2023]
“It's Stored, Hopefully, on an Encrypted Server”: Mitigating Users' Misconceptions About FIDO2 Biometric WebAuthn
Lassak et al. [USENIX Security 2021]
Why Aren't We Using Passkeys? Obstacles Companies Face Deploying FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication
Lassak et al. [USENIX Security 2024]
Nov 25 Miscellaneous Topics
Understanding How People Share Passwords
Moh et al. [SOUPS 2024]
“Make Them Change it Every Week!”: A Qualitative Exploration of Online Developer Advice on Usable and Secure Authentication
Klemmer et al. [CCS 2023]
SOAP: A Social Authentication Protocol
Linker and Basin [USENIX Security 2024]
Dec 2 Project Presentations
Final project report due Dec 13.