h-index Primer

The classical method for computing the impact of one's research is based on ISI's Science Citation Index. This has two problems. The first is that Science Citation Index does a notoriously bad job of indexing computer science publications. The second is that the computation of an individual's research impact requires sifting through a number of figures, including the total number of citœations, the impact factor of the venue in which the papers have appeared, etc. H-index is a single parameter measure that has been proposed by J. E. Hirsch, who is a physicist at UCSD, as a simpler method of computing one's research impact. The original paper is here. The computation is as follows:

"A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Nph) papers have no more than h citations each."

H-index is interesting, but, as with all of these measures, it has its problems. The following are what I can think of, but these are generic to any of performance measure, not only h-index:

On this issue , here is what Wikipedia, the current ultimate authority on all things, says:

"It is not difficult to come up with situations in which h may provide misleading information about a scientist's output. Most importantly the fact that h is bounded by the total number of publications means that scientists with a short career are at an inherent disadvantage, regardless of the importance of their discoveries. For example, Evariste Galois' h-index is 2, and will remain so forever. Had Albert Einstein died in early 1906, his h index would be stuck at 4 or 5, despite his wide acknowledgement as one of the greatest of physicists. " (Wikipedia lists a number of other criticisms.)

Attempts to modify h-index to address these issues can be found here. A bunch of papers addressing various issues related to h-index can be found here.

A list of computer scientists with an h-index of at least 40 is given here.

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Last update: 9 March 2025